If you could bring a dead rock star back to life


New Metal Member
Aug 29, 2007
If you could bring a dead rock star back to life for one gig, who would it be?

John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Kurt Cobain, Buddy Holly? Freddie Mercury? Or someone else?

This Day in Music are carrying out a world-wide survey to see which dead rock stars people would want to see again - for one night only!

Who would you pick? You can see a full list and vote on
If Quorthon gave concerts, that would be him.

For now it's:
Freddie Mercury or Ian Curtis.
Definitely people who were cut down in their prime.

Metal - Cliff Burton.

Non-metal - Hendrix & Jeff Buckley.
Noooooooo, it should be De "Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" :p

What do you see of special in "Grand Declaration Of War"?

Dii Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is my second favorite. but when i heard grand declaration of war, it blew me a way. the whole vibe of the CD is just sick. Plus, Hellhammer got way better on the CD and blasphemer does some crazy shit. Also, maniac's vocals were fucking awesome in my opinion along with his talking parts like in the intro of "View From Nihil". it's, in my opinion, one of the best black metal CD's ever. it's unique, it did something unexpected and it did it well. i'll admit though, i didn't like it the first few times i heard it but once i got used to it's sound, it jumped into my Top 5 albums along with Death, Bloodbath, Zyklon, and Emperor.
Dii Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is my second favorite. but when i heard grand declaration of war, it blew me a way. the whole vibe of the CD is just sick. Plus, Hellhammer got way better on the CD and blasphemer does some crazy shit. Also, maniac's vocals were fucking awesome in my opinion along with his talking parts like in the intro of "View From Nihil". it's, in my opinion, one of the best black metal CD's ever. it's unique, it did something unexpected and it did it well. i'll admit though, i didn't like it the first few times i heard it but once i got used to it's sound, it jumped into my Top 5 albums along with Death, Bloodbath, Zyklon, and Emperor.
Everyone has his tastes.
it's bad and not even black metal

it's not straight forward bash your head with a rock while burning a church and pissing in a goats asshole black metal but, it is black metal, very progressive black metal. and i know i'm going to get flamed for this also but my 3 favorite mayhem cd's are...

1. Grand Declaration of War

2.it's a tied between Dii Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and... Chimera :loco:

however, i cannot stand ordo de chao
Roger Paterson of Atheist. I've only heard him on the demos of some of the songs on the reissue, but man he sounded good.
DIMEBAG!!! :headbang:

Ha ha, just kidding. Seriously.

Chuck Schuldiner is the best one I can think of. If not CS then I would make it where Jason Becker could play again... If I couldn't do that, I would kill Becker then bring him back to life :) My third pick would be Shawn Lane, but resurrected with a new & improved tone.