If you could bring a dead rock star back to life

I don't know why you all are picking Chuck. He probably wasn't going to write any more material for Death and his other band Control Denied (based off of their one and only album) was pretty mediocre. As for my list, it's going to be a bit long.

John Bonham
Jeff Buckley
Kurt Cobain
Jimi Hendrix
Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon)
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Freedie Mercury
Keith Moon (The Who)
Jim Morrison
Bradley Nowell (Sublime)
Elvis Presley
Randy Rhoads
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
The Notorious B.I.G.
Tupac Shakur
Layne Staley
Ronnie Van Zant (Skynyrd)

Going to have to finish my list later, need to do some shit.

i don't like control denied's first album much but the all music album "when man and machine collide" is incredible. and chuck said that Death wasn't going to die but... then he died :erk:
One SHOW only makes it difficult....

I'd like to see Kurt Cobain come back but Nirvana wasn't a great live band. They could break out some cool stuff like Clean Up Before She Comes, but other than that I'm not sure it would be the best choice.

Dimebag would be a sight to behold, but would we be able to get the band back together? I guess upon the temporary ressurection of a dead man, the rest would be willing to put up with each other for one show. But you never know.

I'm gonna say Syd Barrett. Probably the worst choice of all since he only died recently and had no intention of ever performing again, but wouldn't another show with Syd be pretty cool?
I'd like to see Kurt Cobain come back but Nirvana wasn't a great live band. They could break out some cool stuff like Clean Up Before She Comes, but other than that I'm not sure it would be the best choice.

Well, I've never actually seen a band live, but their Unplugged album is a work of art... I could've given my soul to be there.
i don't like control denied's first album much but the all music album "when man and machine collide" is incredible. and chuck said that Death wasn't going to die but... then he died :erk:

I thought noone has heard the 2nd album as Chuck's family didnt want to sell it or what the fuck ever? And if so, why didnt you PM me a link in advance you homo
why the laughing face about "Dimebag' Darrell Abbot? You wouldn't be laughing if you had been there.

I think Pantera would have eventually gotten back together. If not, I would have loved to hear some more Damageplan.

Bradley Nowell too.
Fuck yes.


Cobain was a whiny fucking bastard. Nirvana was the worst grunge band. They're way too overrated.

I normally agree with about 99% of what you say, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Nevermind is arguably the best grunge album ever written. There's a few others that share the throne imo (which is why I said arguably), but still. :guh:

edit: On a side note, I'd probably be a whiny bitch I had to wake up and see Courtney Love's face every morning too. :erk:
Off the top of my head, Quorthon is the only artist I can think of who left me wanting more since I actually liked those two Nordland albums he ended his career with. Maybe Schuldiner too since I would have been interested to see where he went with Control Denied.
I normally agree with about 99% of what you say, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Nevermind is arguably the best grunge album ever written. There's a few others that share the throne imo (which is why I said arguably), but still. :guh:

edit: On a side note, I'd probably be a whiny bitch I had to wake up and see Courtney Love's face every morning too. :erk:

My own personal and brutal opinion:

I can't stand Kurt Cobain or Nirvana. The melodies are bland and unemotional. There's no life in them. My ears actually hurt from listening to them (not in the sense of causing pain, but I cringe at some of the melodies). The songs that are tolerable are just boring.

Nevermind is a child next to albums like Ten, Dirt, Badmotorfinger, Temple of the Dog, etc.