If you could bring a dead rock star back to life

My own personal and brutal opinion:

I can't stand Kurt Cobain or Nirvana. The melodies are bland and unemotional. There's no life in them. My ears actually hurt from listening to them (not in the sense of causing pain, but I cringe at some of the melodies). The songs that are tolerable are just boring.

Nevermind is a child next to albums like Ten, Dirt, Badmotorfinger, Temple of the Dog, etc.

Eh, agree to disagree. I'm not claiming that Nirvana's entire discography is the best of the grunge bands, just that the Nevermind album is up there.
Good taste. Nirvana were average at best. The same formula, the same riffage over and over again.

That very formula was just too catchy for it to have not gotten famous.
Nirvana was one of the creators of the underground grunge scene in America, and yet you say they are one of the worst grunge band? Everyone who says that is crazy.
The creators are not necessarily always the best at what they do, since progenitors often take the sounds further, and grunge was not really a tight-knit style of music so much as it was a "scene" of people who liked similar stuff.
The creators are not necessarily always the best at what they do, since progenitors often take the sounds further, and grunge was not really a tight-knit style of music so much as it was a "scene" of people who liked similar stuff.

This is true, but there's no way that the creators are the worst at what they do. Being influential automatically qualifies any band as at least decent for it's kind.

...Nevermind and Unplugged are fucking great albums.
Nirvana was one of the creators of the underground grunge scene in America, and yet you say they are one of the worst grunge band? Everyone who says that is crazy.

Nirvana was the last of the most popular Seattle grunge bands to form. I don't think they created something that had been around over half a decade before they even formed, but maybe they're special.

Kurt Cobain also stole guitar riffs from bands he talked about liking obsessively in his journals and he was a terrible vocalist and lyricist.
I love Nirvana, but I understand the hate they receive from most metalheads. They were the antithesis of metal. Bands like AiC and Soundgarden had many metal qualities, and Pearl Jam were better players. I can't stand Pearl Jam, they bore the shit out of me.
I never got into Nirvana or Pearl Jam. Soundgarden and Alice In Chains on the other hand are awesome(love both).
I would pick watching Cliff Burton defecate on the corpse of my grandmother over listening to a single Nirvana song.
I've always preferred Soundgarden and AIC.

Never really understood the obsession with Nirvana to be honest. They were influential yes, but there was so much room for improvement imo.

If he didn't die, and continued playing in the band, there would've been improvement.