If you could meet the band, which member would you want to meet?

Which one would you want to meet?

  • Steve Williams

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Andy Midgley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paul Finnie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rich Smith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chitral Somapala

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gavin Owen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of them! HAHAHA =)

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • I've already met them. =D

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
All of them :) And I'm hoping I will when they play De Kade. I did promise them a round of beers, that should be enough incentive for them to come out after the show, right? :p
Steve Williams. From what I've read of his posts here, he seems like a really great guy and he's highly devoted to his fans. Of course, I'd also like to meet Alessio, but he's no longer with the band... :(
This would be playing favorites, and I can't do that :D
to be honest, I think I would prefer to meet Steve in the middle of a street than in a live show. just makes it more personal, as opposed to meeting him/the band along with many others. sure, on the street there are still lots of people around but they are not fans or anything, so they won't be getting in the way
I voted for all of them, as I've already met Steve. Not to be a total fanboy or suckup, but let me just stress how awesomely down to earth and sweet (yet of course metal to the bone) this man is. I have nothing but respect for him, and I'm sure the other guys are in the same mold.
I voted for all of them, as I've already met Steve. Not to be a total fanboy or suckup, but let me just stress how awesomely down to earth and sweet (yet of course metal to the bone) this man is. I have nothing but respect for him, and I'm sure the other guys are in the same mold.
that man is my man, man. :lol:
I'd want to meet all of them, of course and that can go for pretty much any band. I mean what's the fun in meeting just a few members of your favorite band ?
All, natürlich but I've had the very great and esteemed pleasure and privalge to meet some of the lads before. Never a more down to earth buncha friendly chaps were known to man!
I met them when they were still working with Pete Morten and Ben Randall at a gig in Southampton. They were all lovely. I would love to meet them all now, with the new line up! :Spin:
I'd want to meet all of them, of course and that can go for pretty much any band. I mean what's the fun in meeting just a few members of your favorite band ?
Well dude, if you can only meet a few or just one of them, then it's better than not meeting any of them at all. Hahaha.

I met them when they were still working with Pete Morten and Ben Randall at a gig in Southampton. They were all lovely. I would love to meet them all now, with the new line up! :Spin:
You've met them on stage, man? I'm like, so jealous at you man! :p

Steve is my homie and even if I could meet the whole band, I'd still want to meet him alone. :D
Yeah, they played a gig at the Joiners in Southampton and I went along with my boyfriend and we met them all. Steve chatted to us while he ate chips! Im sure he remembers! :D
I'd be honored to take an asskicking by monsieur Williams, personally