If you like Empyrium, you must try Estatic Fear


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I was going to bump the Empyrium thread, but thought that these guys deserve a thread to themselves.

Somnium Obumtum is stunning. It goes through many black metal elements (whereas Empyrium stop just short perhaps), but the whole darkened grim side is intertwined with that gentle Empyrium-style dark folk acoustic melody, occasional female choirs, flutes, and a complete feeling of total melancholy.

No blastbeats, just beautiful sombre travels upon a medieval stone path into decaying woodland.

Somnium Obumtum = Songs of Moors... + Where at Night... + Poems to the Wretches...

By the way, the blackened screams are more harsh, and less like a witch / bansee scream, and they are truly, truly excellent.

@BloodStainedWalls - again, many thanks. You've hit the nail perfectly on the head.

P.S. Estatic Fear is the worst name these guys could have picked for a band name. :ill:

P.P.S. I still have another whole EF album sitting in front of me that I haven't heard yet. I just want to listen to this stuff all night long. \m/
Yup, good band. Both albums are really good, Now if only i could find somewhere to buy them. (anyone know?....i saw their 2nd cd on ebay once)
I've been saying this for ages. Got both albums ages ago, if you want them try the CCP Records web-site, ONLY place I've ever seen them.

I personally prefer Somnium Obmutum, but A Sombre Dance is amazing too. Drops pretty much all the metal elements. You'll like it I'm sure. One of my favourite bands.
Doom said:
I've been saying this for ages.
I think if I had seen the name "Estatic Fear", I would have conjured up an image of some sideways wearing baseball cap Nike wearing crapcore band. It is such a diabolical name. :tickled:

I just noticed there was some discussion about them in our "In the Woods..." thread. I assume In the Woods... takes forever to appreciate, because this stuff blew me away in the first 15 minutes.

Got both albums ages ago, if you want them try the CCP Records web-site, ONLY place I've ever seen them.
Yeah, I checked it out. Are they trustworthy then? I notice they only accept cash. Ugh.

I personally prefer Somnium Obmutum, but A Sombre Dance is amazing too. Drops pretty much all the metal elements. You'll like it I'm sure. One of my favourite bands.
My new favorite band of the week.
Doom said:
I personally prefer Somnium Obmutum, but A Sombre Dance is amazing too. Drops pretty much all the metal elements. You'll like it I'm sure. One of my favourite bands.
I think I prefer Somnium Obumtum too. A Sombre Dance is turning out to be exceptional too, but I'll give SO the edge so far. It just seems to be slightly more organic, music that seeps out from the oak tree roots, whereas A Sombre Dance sounds as if it was meant to be heard in an empty cathedral chamber. It's actually quite poetic and anthemic.

I wouldn't say that A Sombre Dance drops all the metal elements though...
are you talking about Arcane Sun???? While I hope this true, it can't be, can it??? Source please. o_O

The lead vocalist is Paul Kearns.