If your not from CANADA! DOnt even fucking enter this thread


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Hey guys. WHats Up?

I watched a film last night. It was called "Men with Brooms"

It was fuckin awsome. It was about canada, and a canadian sport, that dates back to the 15th century.

CURLING was the sport.

Haev any of you guys heard of it? ANy of you played it?

It looks fuckin hard to me.
Yeah heard of it, seen it. It's played at every winter Olympics, in fact we slaughtered almost every team at the last Olympics. I find it quite boring and never played or really sat and watched for any length in time. I don't think us Canadians pay all that much attention to it.

Lacross is also a Canadian sport. Suppose to be pretty rough sport. It like Hockey, but it's on concrete, with sticks with nets attached. Hard to explain, other than it's just like Hockey.
WX>>thanks fo rthe info man. I liek your canadian name there dude hahaha. WEAPON X. WOlverine, the little bad ass canuk hey.

KARMIC>>what the fuck are you doin in this thread? :) Im the only non canadian aloud in this one! :)
whow, thats fuckin weird, i was typeing my reply, and i got booted off the net, so i minused my post down, and got back on line, and finished my post, and enetred it, and, BAM, i have 2 posts, one incomplete, and one finished hahahahha.....
WX>> Thats because you have our best players. Sundin?
Forsberg too, but he plays in colorado.
we have the best players :p
but yeah, you beat us. but thats just because we didnt have our top players (see above) with....
WX>>DUde, i am HUGE wolverine/ WMEN fan. I have every issue of xmen from 85 to 95. Got them off teh shelf as they came out for 10 yrs, annuals etc. I haev the 1st 30 or so issues of WOLVERINE, and his limited series from the 80's, and all the special editions i could get my hands on,,,,like punisherVS wolverine, in the mini, and the special shiny papper book. I ahev the Jungle Adventure, where Logan has a baby with a trible woman, etc. I have the first and second appearance of wovlerine as well, in Hulk....????180, and 181????? Or at least close to those 2 numbers.

Sabertooth rules as well.
I've been following Wolverine off and on since the Fall of the Mutants saga. I've got every wolverine issue since he went solo. I've got the Wolverine and Gambit, Wolveringe and Ghost Rider and few others. Currently collecting the Weapon X 4 part issues. Would love to get the first appearance of wolverine in the Hulk 180 181 ( I think it's these) and the 80's Weapon X series. He's one bad ass Canuck. :)
Originally posted by Weapon X
Lacross is also a Canadian sport. Suppose to be pretty rough sport.
yeah, Lacrosse is from a native american sport. you run with a long stick with a net/scoop on it, you can pass the ball to your teammates and to score you throw it into the other teams' net. I played it in high school in pennsylvania and they tried to get us to play with girl's rules (no contact with bodies or sticks) but as we learned the game we started acting like guys and it became contusion city.
Curling looks funny and stupid as hell, not many people here like it as far as I know.I couldnt sit through a whole fucking match.......IT TAKES DAYS!!!:lol:

I used to collect comics, had the first 6 wolverine issues.But I sold my 500 comic collection to my dad for 300$$$, there arent many comic stores in Toronto, and comics are fucking expensive now
I clicked here, so sue me. Curling is extremely boring. I don't see how anyone can watch it. Lacrosse is cool. I couldn't play it, too rough, but it is very fun to watch. XMEN kick ass. Everyone loves Wolverine don't they?
Yes, curling is very Canadian and it is very difficult to learn from what I have been told. I would actually know because, even though I haven't played it, I know people who have and had to edit a story for good old Cable 14(local cable station) about curling which showed a guy who has played for a while and was still learning and having a hard time. yes yes, very hard indeed it seems.

I am yet to see Men With Brooms, but The Tragically Hip are in that movie and they are the Kingston team(they're from Kingston) and they fucking kick ass and I can't wait for that fucing concert.
WX>>>Yes, i have been a fan of the xmen even longer than logan has been in the fold.
I haev thousands of comics. Ill check my stuff, i know i have extras of some things. If you want, i could send them to ya sometime.

EY>>I owuld love to try the game. I like shit thats hard, and takes lots of skill. It did seem slow, even in a high pace movie, not action really, just funny stuff, and scene changes.

Those fuckers have great form sliding down the run way, and some would even spin before they released the stone. I like it.

Thanks for the info so far.