If your not from CANADA! DOnt even fucking enter this thread

hmm well ive never lived there....but i make fun of canada all the time hahaha. so uhh curling eh...might be fun drunk or somthing haha.
Originally posted by ledmag
WX>>>Yes, i have been a fan of the xmen even longer than logan has been in the fold.
I haev thousands of comics. Ill check my stuff, i know i have extras of some things. If you want, i could send them to ya sometime.

Those fuckers have great form sliding down the run way, and some would even spin before they released the stone. I like it.

Thanks for the info so far.

Sure I wouldn't mind getting the ones I mentioned earlier, Hulk 180, 181, 80's Weapon X or the seris where he loses his Adimantium(sp?). Just let me know what I need to do to get my hands on them. :) If it would be easier for you PM me, maybe we can do something.

Drunk curlers that would be funny. Every time I see the sport I'm just waiting for them to fall over and get ran over by the stone.:eek:
I agree..watching curling is extremely boring. I would only encourage people to watch it if they planned on playing it. Playing curling is actually quite fun...if you enjoy a good challenge. I've only played the game once and I was piss ass drunk playing it....the downfall to that is that your walking on ice with one extra slippery foot ( you need some weird shuck that goes over your shoe that enables you to slide and sweep )....needless to say I spent more time picking my up head off of the ice than I did anything else.
Lacrosse is great aggressive sport, very similar to hockey except it caters to the individuals who can run........'cause not everyone can skate.
And sweden does not have the best hockey players.....what the hell is that. Peter Forsberg and Mats Sundin.....oooh I'm shaking in my boots. You'd be shittin' your pants if saw Mario Lemieux, Steve Yzerman, Paul Kariya, Joe Sakic coming down the wing. And tell me this, why is 50 % of the NHL still made up of Canadians.......why 'cause we own the sport!:lol:
I saw a Canadian video once in chem.It was about this guy(with "muttonchop sideburns",as my chem. teacher put it)who wanted to get this chemical from the bloodstream of a hybernating bear,the chemicla that enabled them to sleep for so long,so he could give it to NASA and they could give it to astronauts for when they're out in space...I swear,that was what the guy was setting out to do.And the video was mainly about this guys attempts to build a "bear-proof suit"...made of various sports gear,lots and lots of padding,etc. and then him "testing" the suit by having his friends hit him w/baseball bats,cinder blocks,trucks,etc.Trust me...I saw what I saw,that actually happened.Also,my chem. teacher's explainations of why exactly he recorded the video were what led me to believe that he was and contiues to be a total pothead.He and his collage room-mate,Mackia(that's the guys's real name,too),were(as he put it)"up and 3AM in the morning,doing what all collage students do",which I took to mean that they were up at 3 in the morning,taking some huge bong hits when one of them turns of the tv and they see this video of some Canadian dude in baseball gear and padding getting hit w/baseball bats.So,stoned out of their minds,they think that that is the absolute coolest thing ever and record it so that Chris R-. (chem, teacher)can show it to his future chemistry classes...As an example of...nothing really.Just for the hell of it,I guess.
WX>>>YEah, you need to do nothing but give your address once i go threw them, and see what ive got. No pay dude. It would be cool fo ra fan to get the stuff IMO.

I know i have the stuff where he losies his adamantium, but extras...im not sure on that.

The thing is, my parents, family and stuff, they would pick up comics for me at sales whatever, and at times i would already haev them. ALl my stuff is in bags with acid free back boards.

I know i have extras of the mutant massacre. I know i have extras of early wolverine. I know i have some extra XMEN classics.

DO you like other titles as well.

JIM>>hahahahaha. Yeah, everyone is welcome dude. You know im a smart ass. hahaa

EVeryone else>>>thansk thus far for the info.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
I saw a Canadian video once in chem.It was about this guy(with "muttonchop sideburns",as my chem. teacher put it)who wanted to get this chemical from the bloodstream of a hybernating bear,the chemicla that enabled them to sleep for so long,so he could give it to NASA and they could give it to astronauts for when they're out in space...I swear,that was what the guy was setting out to do.And the video was mainly about this guys attempts to build a "bear-proof suit"...made of various sports gear,lots and lots of padding,etc. and then him "testing" the suit by having his friends hit him w/baseball bats,cinder blocks,trucks,etc.Trust me...I saw what I saw,that actually happened.Also,my chem. teacher's explainations of why exactly he recorded the video were what led me to believe that he was and contiues to be a total pothead.He and his collage room-mate,Mackia(that's the guys's real name,too),were(as he put it)"up and 3AM in the morning,doing what all collage students do",which I took to mean that they were up at 3 in the morning,taking some huge bong hits when one of them turns of the tv and they see this video of some Canadian dude in baseball gear and padding getting hit w/baseball bats.So,stoned out of their minds,they think that that is the absolute coolest thing ever and record it so that Chris R-. (chem, teacher)can show it to his future chemistry classes...As an example of...nothing really.Just for the hell of it,I guess.
hahaha your chem teacher is cool.
Yeah,my chem. teacher is damn cool.Though now I'm just pissed off at him.See,our class has to do this project on a scientist and we have to be in groups of four.My friend Rachel and I were going to work together,but we didn't have 2 more ppl because everyone else had gotten into their groups already.So he put the 2 of us w/these 2 guys,Brandon and David.Okay,these 2 guys are the most ignorant,rude,arrogant racist,judgemental pricks I've met so far.Within the first 30 seconds after that stoner had put us all together,the 2 of them had already managed to offend us by saying stuff about how they wanted to work with smarter ppl since they didn't want to get an F on this project.And also by making the racist,anti-Semetic,etc. comments that were typical of them,as well of insulting Rachel and I to our faces-more by acting like we weren't there and talking to each other about us and then laughing their asses off like what they'd just said was the funniest damn thing in the world.I honestly don't think I should have to put up w/shit like that.I want to talk to the chem. teacher and ask him to let Rachel and I work by ourselves,cause I'm sure we could get so much more done without the 2 of them.But Rachel just told me "Maybe we have to change our attitude instead of trying to change theirs."But getting me to put up w/their ignorance and do a group project w/them(which is a large part of the grade)is about as likely as getting those 2 guys to stop being so ignorant(and,yes,I know the defenition of ignorant).I can't not be offended by the things they are saying about the both of us and other ppl who I am friends with.
No,no,my chem. teacher isn't the one w/the sideburns-that's the Canadian guy in the bear video.He's the one w/the sideburns.It's really funny watching a Canadian with "muttonchop" sideburns" getting hit repeatedly with baseball bats,cinder blocks and trucks.