If you're interested...

Dec 25, 2004

Someone asked in a thread some time ago if my debut album was available and my response was that I had some promo copies but I couldn't stand the photo on the front. Some very clever person suggested I change the photo and that was a very good idea but seemed at the time a lot of effort to go to for little reward. However, after some thought, I decided I would change that pic and I have done so.

If anyone is still interested in a copy, I'm selling them to people for $15.

Email me at moonc@optusnet.com.au and I will send one to you.

Honestly, I'm not really expecting many of you to really want one but I just thought that since I'm now selling them and you per chance wanted one, you could buy one.....

I've taken up enough of your time and I'll go now....I will continue to pop in here and there as I do. :)
It's very good sunshiney pop, IMO - so if you know someone who likes that kind of thing, get one. It'll be a collectors item, especially once her new Brooding Songstress album comes out and she becomes famous :P
Brooding Songstress album? She's not recording it Under The Pink in the midst of Little Earthquakes on her way To Venus And Back while studying to be a Beekeeper, is she? :p.

Put me down for a copy as soon as I can scrape together the cash please, Moony. I could use some sunshiney pop to get my brain back into positive mode again.

:p Thanks Tim and Mark for your support! Want a job as my PR people? :grin:

Well, bless your cotton socks Sydo and Wrathy :)

Oh and the new album is written by me. Brooding Songstress. Hmmm has a much more credible ring to it than Pop Princess doesn't it? :)

Are they Tori Amos albums by any chance Wrathy?.....and are you seeing her on her Aussie tour?
Well Phloggy, you've got my email address so you know where I am if you want one in time to come. Babies do kind of take precedence in money matters. And Dave, you're an evil man! :grin:

Steve, I'm disappointed you can't see Tori. I did notice her tickets are not cheap. I was considering going myself but once you take someone with you, it's a rather large amount of money. I'm sure it would be money well-spent though. :)