if you're scared of bears, this thread is not for you

VangelicSurgeon said:
Saw a bit on 60 minutes last night about high school kids that staged an anti war walkout. When asked, they said the leader of Iraq was Osama Bin Laden and that we had to stop bombing Iraq NOW because lots of innocent people were dying. Also one girl repeatedly said 'welfare' instead of 'warefare' when asked what she was protesting.

Who wants to move to France with me?

This is like the funniest/saddest thing ever. The only thing better than a protester is a protester who has no clue about what they are protesting!
do you think we could find this girl and make her come here to entertain us? or do this kind of protesters have something against the internet, e.g. we are all in league with the devil for using it?

rahvin. (out of his league)
i think kids in general are stupid, not protestors. when a twelve year old gets all like "CHILDREN HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY", i always feel like "sorry, matty stepanik, but the fact is children think either what their parents tell them to think or the exact opposite. just because a kid speaks out against war or whatever means ZERO."
The "kids have something to say" thing is heavily influenced by today's children's media, which constantly pushes this pathetic idea that a fucking ten year old can make a difference in the world.

Hello? Push some fucking reality for a change!
At the same time, though, it is pretty funny when you see some dumb kid out there "trying to make a difference." I have no problem with their motivation, but frankly, if you are going to do something at least pick something feasible and then learn enough about the issue to have a real opinion.
as far as high school's concerned, it's usually the morons that attempt to contribute to the rally-ing, mostly because it gets them out of school. one year in my high school, we needed a tax levy to get passed in order to fund our extracurricular activities, lest all the programs be cut. a "walkout" was planned, and the only people who showed up were the people who didn't really even do any of the activities anyway- a lot of them just went to get out of class, while we watched them from inside the school in our AP Math class.
then, once the news stations got the word, it was the morons who were on the news spouting idocy, while the ones who actually had something to lose were doing what they were supposed to do- be in class.

anyway, the idiocy of the american public astounds me, and i try and stay out of most political arguments until i have something of actual importance to say rather than either reiterate what's been covered or add to the level of idiocy by talking about something of which i have no knowledge.

well, i have to backtrack a little and say that its good for young kids to start developing their political consciousness. even if we should disregard them for a while. it'll make 'em tough, anyway.
This page says most bears (polar, grizzly, black bears) live about 25 years.

It would be most entertaining, though, if bears would like stay around for 225 yrs as i almost typed.


and CHOMPY is the best name for a bear (or a piranha) ever.
With a name like Chompy, how can you be afraid of it? They should name it something really sinister and menacing if they want people to really be afraid of it. Like Damien or Osama or Syphilis.
xfer said:
well, i have to backtrack a little and say that its good for young kids to start developing their political consciousness. even if we should disregard them for a while. it'll make 'em tough, anyway.
sure, it's good for them to speak in turn and discuss & learn things, but in order to learn you first have to SHUT UP.
i totally blame the media. last night on the news i saw 2 stories about St. Louis clubs- they're still trying to ride the wave of hype over that crap. Unbelievable.

looks like i brought my soap box to work today.