Ifk_Donkeys, Big Hi


New Metal Member
Mar 23, 2017
Hi everyone,My name is Leif. I'm a 30 year old guitarist of polish origins living in France and Ifk_Donkeys is my solo project which I started recently. I just bumped into this forum while looking for a place where I could share my music and where I could get some opinions about it ( it itself,but also the mix,production etc etc). Every opinion, every advice DOES count for me. Therefore I encourage every experienced metal listener from this forum to find a spare moment of his life spent in his mothers basement, to go check out a piece or two of mine and speak his mind. I'd appreciate that very much. If there's a specific place on this forum ( which I havent located yet ) where we all can share our music please let me know.

Those are the links to two of my most recent tracks ( I dont really know how to precisly define the genre of what I'm making, so I'll skip the nomenclature ):

Of course, as always, all of you, " are free " to go check out the rest of my channel if you like...

Hee Haw.

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Hey Leif,

We are "neighbours" (I'm from Belgium :) ). I'm also a new member to this forum since a couple of days. I have listened to these above tracks, and you are a very talented guitarplayer. I definetely love you music and especially loved the second track included in your post. I have subscribed to your channel! Only thing I have as a remark: I would make the songs a bit shorter, or add more solo's, to avoid they become too repetitive, that's all.

If you like, I would appreciate it very much if you check out my post, because I have recently started a youtube channel myself!
See: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/threads/me-n-tal-twist-covers-youtube-channel.1124637/

Keep it up man, you rock!