
I've seen that thread earlier today when I was browsing forums at random and decided to pay the hate pit a visit. After seeing that I decided never to read the hate pit again. It's ironic that I saw that just after I got into an argument with my siblings about heavy metal hating me because I'm black. I said "No, in actuality heavy metal isn't racist and the people who listen tend to be more open-minded than average people." I just did something I've never done before. I apologized to my siblings and humbly admitted I was wrong.

Besides that, I find this thread hillarious. I can't stand rap, but I have heard people say the EXACT same things about metal that they say about rap here. Indeed I've heard the same things said about almost every genre: electronica, jazz, country, nu-metal, classical, etc.

Anyway, I'll just leave the hate where it belongs, in the hate pit. I'm actually glad that we have it here. It keeps the ignorant bile spewed by these people from spilling out into all the other forums so I don't have to read it.
I guess it's good that the Hate Pit is an outlet for that kind of thing, but...

People should direct their anger and hatred towards something positive and improve this fucked up world we live in. Targetting other beings - whether it's individuals, races, sexes, species - just pushes us deeper down into our own filth and destructiveness.

I support freedom of speech, but not freedom to hate. That thread and shit like that makes me ashamed to be a human.
Besides that, I find this thread hillarious. I can't stand rap, but I have heard people say the EXACT same things about metal that they say about rap here. Indeed I've heard the same things said about almost every genre: electronica, jazz, country, nu-metal, classical, etc.

they just haven't heard any good hip-hop. i'm sure they've only been exposed to the mainstream commercial SHIT...

poor lyrics? they obviously never listened to the GZA or Oldominion. very heavy shit...
Originally posted by scarr3d

they just haven't heard any good hip-hop. i'm sure they've only been exposed to the mainstream commercial SHIT...

poor lyrics? they obviously never listened to the GZA or Oldominion. very heavy shit...

People who aren't into a style of music are the most likely to make fun of it. I mean, have you ever seen a metalhead argue that metal is all about Satan worship?

As I said, I don't particularly like hip-hop, but I've heard some really good shit that I honestly enjoyed. I'm not one to rush to hip-hops defence, but I'm not one to diss it either.
I was mocking the ppl there and being an idiot, and what I said was one of my many random statements. I've edited it out. I apologise.

I'm sorry Belial. But I am defenately not racsist, or homophobic or anything... I live in a very racsist society and it disgusts me... And everyone goes around telling gay jokes... even my immediate family.. it fucking sux and I hate it. I was mocking the people in the forum.. and yeah.. that's the best explanation I can give...

... can't decide whether to post this or to remain silent, and hope no one noticed.. oh well...