:ill: :ill: the world through my eyes


Jul 8, 2002
well :ill: here we are back in the sun...I can feel the healing powers of the desert coursing through my veins as I type. So here's the story from my perspective:

I fucked my voice up in New Jersey at the March Metal Meltdown(the first fucking gig) and began a strict regiment of self healing techniques. Hot tea, Chicken soup, and NNNNNYYYYYY QQQQUUUIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!
As we purged our non conditioned van (no heat, no a/c, leaky door gaskets, etc, etc)headlong into weeks of windy and snowy weather my condition quickly worstened. :cry: :cry:

So anyway to make a long story short (or at least to save the stories for a book and not a message board message)by the time we made it back to the northeast I was in constant pain and in desperate need of something more than over the counter cold remedies and halls mentholfuckinglyptus.

Now home and completely fucked up on penicillin (it actually makes me feel really crappy too) my throat is nearly back to normal... Its funny because I used to hear about vocalist who complained about throat issues and considered them merely full of excuses. Now that I have been through a sore throat on tour I realize theres a lot of adverse conditions that make healing while traveling nearly impossible..

I also didn't think I would feel so bad about missing a couple of shows at the end of a tour, but I can't wait to get back up to the northeast to make it up to the great people we didn't get a chance to party with. We will do everything in our power to cross over the border of the United States (North and South) in years to come as well, from what I'm told we will all have a great time!

Thank you all so much for the positive responses on this last trip and I know the entire band is very excited about returning to the road, and we can't wait to record all of the new material and get that out too!!!
Keep posting and Thanks again you metalheads !!:rock: :zombie: :flame: !!:rock: :Puke: :Smokin: you !!:rock: !!:rock: !!:rock: !!:rock:
You tell'em Nathan. When we head down you should introduce the songs all in Spanish, hell sing God Was Created in Spanish. I would have rather had all 5 have strep throat rather than have those shows missed but we will definantly be back up there again, and hopefuly not on the opening slot next time around.
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