Illusion of Oida

Hi Everyone,

I was registered before, but I guess since the site was redone, I had to start from scratch. I'm a LONG time SyX fan, dating back to the original mailing list. (I think I joined in 96 or 97, and had to quit in about 2001)

Anyway, I'm now the vocalist in Illusion of Oida, a San Diego based, prog. Hard rock band. We are all HUGE Symphony X fans, but I can't say that we really sound anything like the guys.

Anyway, wanted to let you all know that our band has finally posted a song on our website, and I'd love for you all to check it out and tell us what you think. It's called "Hourglass Alegretto." (I also played the keyboards on this track, as we were between keyboardists at the time... I'm happy with how it turned out, but our new guy is gonna kick some serious a$$ on keys!)

Couple things: This is our most simple and straight forward song. (ie not really very progressive) We chose to start with this one to get used to the whole studio process, and to try and dial in the sound we were looking for. We learned a LOT in both regards and in the end will probably do a remix of this tune when we finish the album. (we're not quite satisfied with the sound)

Our other songs will be longer and more progressive, so please stay tuned. But this one is a groove based hard rock tune (with slightly prog. coloration) kinda deep purple-ish in parts, and more modern sounding in others.

I hope you enjoy,


Paul Adrian Villarreal
I listened to it. I think your voice has potential. I did not really like all the vocal melodies, the music sounds kind of boring, I think the lyrics are silly and the production isnt really a highpoint either.
Soul of Ice said:
I listened to it. I think your voice has potential. I did not really like all the vocal melodies, the music sounds kind of boring, I think the lyrics are silly and the production isnt really a highpoint either.

Don't be so harsh and such an ass to Paul. The music is pretty damn good and I'm sure he would like CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms rather than comments that seem to incinuate that you are better than him. Give him a break.. that's all I have to say to you.

To PAul, I think you guys have potential and I'd love to hear your more progressive songs..
He asked what we thought. would you rather have me lie and say its the best shit i ever heard? I would rather have people give me an honest opinion. and how did I say Im better?

Sure there is potential from what i heard, but that is the only thing i heard from the band. He asked us to judge based on that, so I did.

Besides if you hang around on this board you would know that I dont try to disrespect anyone. I am just brutally honest.

Besides, I already know I am better than everyone ;)
Hey Threeisten,

Thanks for the defense, but really it's ok. I know some people do say things like, "give me your honest opinion," when really all they want to hear is good stuff, well, I'm not one of those people. I don't mind hearing what people really think. I know enough about music to know that we don't suck! Otherwise I wouldn't even post an invitiation like the one I did. But, that said, I also know that not everyone will like our music, hell some might even HATE it! I know that I hate a LOT of the cheesy power metal shit that a lot of SyX fans dig... just a matter of taste. As for the technical comments, well I did mention that we're not satisfied with the mix, so I'm not going to argue that, but I will defend the lyrics. First of all I think they're pretty good. They mean something to guy who wrote them (in this case our drummer) coming from his own life experience. You can't really judge the way a person perceives his own experiences... this is an expression of that perception, and the lyrics are what theyare.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say....thanks to both of you for listening, and I hope you'll check out our next effort too! (I wish I could tell you when that will be, but hopefully before too long!)

