Illusion Suite


Music is everything
Sep 21, 2005
Mass, USA
Some here may want to check out this band I just bought Illusion Suite's album Final hour lastnight after a recomended to me and am on my 3rd listen , really growing on me fast!!!! Not alot of soloing (Wich I perfer ) But It's very good
Melodic at times heavy , proggy , symphonic
At first I wasn't sure i liked the singer but he grew on me fast

I also picked up Mind Key's latest , wasn't very impressed by the music over all but Dam good Singer

Anyone Heard These two bands Yet?
I checked out the link. Sounds pretty cool, but I really didn't understand what the vocalist was singing.... Whos the chick in the video? They need to have more of her in the video and in future videos.
Sounded sort of tasty, but too generic for me so far. Will give it a better listen.
I liked the little bit that was shown in the 'bands playing next year' video at PPUSA..should be a good set. Need to check them out more before then (love how the video turns me on to a cool new band or two every year..last year it was Sabaton).
Generic? Maybe a bit, but it's worth a listen to see whether you like it or not, that's for sure. The music and singer remind me sometimes of Circus Maximus, which is far from being a bad thing. I'd have to say there's definitely something going on this album. It might not be a grower, for I feel there isn't as much material as CM or SyX would put on their albums, but I was impressed on first listen.
Generic? Maybe a bit, but it's worth a listen to see whether you like it or not, that's for sure. The music and singer remind me sometimes of Circus Maximus, which is far from being a bad thing. I'd have to say there's definitely something going on this album. It might not be a grower, for I feel there isn't as much material as CM or SyX would put on their albums, but I was impressed on first listen.

It was defiantly a grower for me more so with the singer wich i really like now , As far as the music they don't go crazy with soloing but there is just enough there for people that Don't like what they call wankery
The music's alright, the bass particularly stands out. Can't say that I'm blown away by this. The vocalist has that Ripper Owens, my-voice-has-absolutely-no-depth thing going on, which is really hard for me to listen to (he also really loves LaBrie by the tone of his voice and look of his open-chested twist tie shirt). Keyboard is solid. I think the main thing that sounds weird is the production, way too much guitar up front and very little keyboard. Of course, this is me listening to a YouTube clip on a laptop.
The music's alright, the bass particularly stands out. Can't say that I'm blown away by this. The vocalist has that Ripper Owens, my-voice-has-absolutely-no-depth thing going on, which is really hard for me to listen to (he also really loves LaBrie by the tone of his voice and look of his open-chested twist tie shirt). Keyboard is solid. I think the main thing that sounds weird is the production, way too much guitar up front and very little keyboard. Of course, this is me listening to a YouTube clip on a laptop.

I have to disagree with the production, if you get the actual album you'll find that it sounds more than alright.
Meh, they're all right, def' a tight band. But It feels like its missing something. but thats how I feel about pagans mind aswell lol. I dig them, but don't think there unique.

Yeah that's kind of how I feel about it. Pagan's Mind and Illusion Suite certainly aren't very unique, but I love what they do, because they do it better than most bands in the genre.