I'm addicted to the All Shall Perish band...


Oct 30, 2005
Québec, Canada
A guy in my art course said to me that I should listen to them.. I did it but after a month (these days) I love this band, when I listen to it, I feel satisfied haha These times, I only listen to death hardcore grindcore metal (like: Beneath The Massacre, Spawn Of Possession, Disavowed, Psycroptic, Neuraxis, Putrid Pile, Guttural Secret etc), it's fucking nice..Before, I didn't like so much death grindcore hardcore metal but now I'm passionated by this kind of music. and you peeeople, what do you think of this kind of music? It is too violent for you, or you can't get into this kind of music?

This band is alright and that's coming from someone who FUCKING hates hardcore, that's all my dumbass elmont(the town next to me) friends listen to. Agnostic Front is the fucken PWN but that's about it. The classic answer to (Is that band hardcore?) is if one of their members has a receding hair line, one is 5'5" skinhead and the others think they're cool look like sully from godcrap.
My friend who is a drummer loves this band, but i can't really listen to a band that doesn't have awesome soloing and technicality.
oh yea I like this band too

I search bands (not too underground) which sounds like: Putrid Pile, Disavowed, Psycroptic, Spawn Of Possession, Secret, Theory In Practice, Ion Dissonance and Despised Icon...
this band is alright, but I do hate the hardcore parts in some of their songs :p
they sound like Enter Shikari or something :rofl:
I despise Enter Shikari with all the hate in my loins.

Anyway......grindcore? Napalm Death are the only good grind band. *waits to get flamed*