I'm back!!!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Well, I got moved back to Kansas. I finally got my DSL hooked up.

What's been going on since I took a leave?

I've been listening to:

Mastodon - Leviathan
Lamb of God - The Ashes of the Wake
Tusk - The Tree of No Return

There was an infestation of fake accounts earlier today, along with the possibility of the Fourth Reich. Also, I touched my first fake titty last week!
Welcome back, brother!

Hope all is well. I have to thank you again for introducing me to MASTODON last year. The latest is great, with "Seabeast" being one of my favorite songs of 2004 thus far.

Haven't gotten around to the audio dvd yet, which brings me to my next point, what the fuck is the point? Audio dvd?? I want a visual!

Metal, pussy, beer and weed, all a man will ever need.:Smug: