Mastodon - I'm in the dark here

speed said:
I dont think he has ever topped his performance on In the Eyes of God.

This new album is much more guitar oriented than Remission, they really kind of contained Dailors manic drumming.
Dailor writes a HUGE portion of the music, so I can only assume that he's playing what he feels fits the song. However, I strongly disagree that his playing is all that restrained. Speaking as a drummer, the stuff on the latest isn't easy to play!

Does their drummer do anything special besides playing shit really fast? I like the dude and all, but I don't quite understand why people go crazy over him. Maybe I haven't paid enough attention to In the Eyes of God.

Anyfuck, I really want this album and will probably pick it up by year end. I heard Seabeast (?) and it was pretty damn cool.
I listened to samples of the new album on amazon, and let me just say that it sounds like this album not good in any way, shape or form. At all.
Listening to March of the Fire Ants and thinking how great a riff it is at the beginning to open a show with ... but then the singer opens his mouth and they get a little too all over the place.

I hear Leviathan is a little more cohesive though ... more riff oriented ?!?!?
going back to the earlier comparisons to Neil Peart ... the difference is that Peart while probably the best at his craft, does not distract from the overall fell of the songs. he adds to the songs, not take away from them.

this Mastodon dude, is a little too technical for his own sake, a little too show-offish, not enough groove.
lurch70 said:
going back to the earlier comparisons to Neil Peart ... the difference is that Peart while probably the best at his craft, does not distract from the overall fell of the songs. he adds to the songs, not take away from them.

this Mastodon dude, is a little too technical for his own sake, a little too show-offish, not enough groove.
Totally disagree. Perhaps he was super technical in Today is the Day, but he completely grooves in Mastodon.

yes, he completely grooves. remission sounds chaotic at first, but after a bit of a listen you find the grooves. leviathan is groovy from the start.
On my first listen, I think the 6th song (on this promo I'm on track 53 right now :loco: ). This is pretty good, but will take some time to see if it has that special something to it like many are saying. It reminds me of a more straight-forward and more technical Burnt by the Sun. I'm starting to like this drummer now, he reminds me a bit of Stewart Copeland where he isn't concerned in holding a straight beat, but still keeps good time.
One Inch Man said:
On my first listen, I think the 6th song (on this promo I'm on track 53 right now :loco: ). This is pretty good, but will take some time to see if it has that special something to it like many are saying. It reminds me of a more straight-forward and more technical Burnt by the Sun.
I'm having real difficulty with this one. I listened to it twice on a long drive last week, and each time at around the sixth track I was done. Thing is, I keep thinking that something is going to 'click' so I'll keep trying....

On face value, some of the riffs are really cool, and I do really appreciate the drumming. In fact, I'd say it's the highlight. But the two things I'm having real difficulty with though are those vocals and all the 'non-technical' riffs -- in other words, there are these 'punk'ish' things going on here or there.
New Isis>>>new Mastodon

TO be honest, I never could fully appreciate what Mastodon was doing. I like their albums, yes, but I never saw the "genius" in what they were doing. Give me Isis or Today is the Day.

You folks having trouble with Mastodon might like Isis' later works. They are slow, the vocals are more like caveman grunts than shouted vocals, and it s a helluva lot more, um....tranquil and atmospheric than Mastodon.
Yeah I can understand how one could be put off by Mastodon, but Isis? The buildups, the flowing layered melodies, the emotion, the atmosphere. I dont know of another metal band that does it so well- Tool maybe? Im sorry, but they are the most mature metal band musically I know of.

Now if only they went back and redid those drum tracks on this new one. God, its a huge hangup for me.

How about those Red Sox Doomcifer?
just listening to Iron Tusk and wondering at the very Voivodish sound that jumped out at me all of a sudden.