I'm Back!

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
Got back from "happy camp" last night. Thought you kids might want a debriefing. All I can say is :hotjump: HOLY SHIT! :hotjump: It worked! All I will say right now is it was something I needed more than I wanted to realize. I stayed up with my wife untill 2 am talking about so much that needed to be said. It was a major change for me. If I had the money I would send everyone I know to that place. More to come as time permits...
Lord of Delusions said:
It worked! All I will say right now is it was something I needed more than I wanted to realize...

Well glad to see that you’ve been fully brain washed and indoctrinated with the “Hidden Agenda”. Hee, heee.
Lord of Delusions said:
Got back from "happy camp" last night. Thought you kids might want a debriefing. All I can say is :hotjump: HOLY SHIT! :hotjump: It worked! All I will say right now is it was something I needed more than I wanted to realize. I stayed up with my wife untill 2 am talking about so much that needed to be said. It was a major change for me. If I had the money I would send everyone I know to that place. More to come as time permits...

Goes to show that the way things are presented aren't always what they turn out to be! Looking forward to hearing more about your "happy camp" experiences.
First off, Georgia and Tennessee are both really beautiful. More trees than I have ever seen in my life. As far as the classes go, I went with an open mind, knowing that I really had no idea what to expect. There were a few rules, though none were terribly difficult to follow. If at any time there was music playing, you couldn't sit, unless it was lunch or dinner. Otherwise you were banging on the tables or whatever else was handy. They supply you with just about anything you want, and keep drumsticks ready at all times. I ended up breaking 2. The first one took me a couple days untill I got into it enough to actually set my mind to breaking them on purpose. The second one took me about an hour to snap, as I was putting all I had into doing damage to the cowbell I found under our table. After that, my hands hurt too bad from the sticks and from clapping. Music was loud and frequent. If it looked like we were getting tired he would grab his ipod and crank some tunes. There was dancing on the chairs, tables, and on stage. Twice there was some impromtu stage diving that took place, and I tried it for the first time in my life. Very cool. At least untill they tried to throw me back up on stage and I landed flat on my ass. It was all about "juice". I know the Maidens and anyone else who plays onstage know what its about. Giving out energy and having it returned back to you only multiplied. There were a few of us that was on both the giving and receiving end, and it is very cool to say the least. :rock:
As far as what he teaches, its really geared toward you and not so much towards the buisness that you work for. There is a little team building skills thrown in, but its still about improving yourself. All in all I came to the conclusion that I really need to pay attention to some issues in my life that I had either been avoiding or ignoring alltogether. The same goes for pretty much the rest of the class. There were some pretty emotional moments. On the third day it started to get to me, as more and more people were coming out and talking about and dealing with stuff in their lives. Alot of crying. To try and explain what happened to me, you should know something. I haven't cried in about 13 years. I lost a father-in-law, sister-in-law and a grandfather. After much heartache my wife and I had a son. Last year I got a call that my dad was having a triple bypass. Never once did I shed a tear. Its not that I didn't care, its was just something I didn't think I had to do. Its been something that has really bugged my wife all these years. So here I am surrounded by all these good people sharing their hardships, and its starting to hit me. Hard. The last day is the worst. On the ride back to the airport I almost had an emotional breakdown 4 times. I held it in. I got home and I told my wife I had a gift for her. We ended up talking in the bedroom for about an hour, when she finally asked what her gift was. I started into the little speech I had about her wanting this for many years, and then I lost it. I almost drown in a river of snot...lol. I was crying, she was crying, and then my son came in and gave me a hug because he thought I was hurt, and I lost it again. I felt so good to be able to do that. If I had gotten nothing else out of those 4 days it would still be totally worth it.
So anyway, there was alot of self improvement excersizes that we put in our journals so we can go back and see how we are doing. Its really simple logical stuff, but somehow it goes overlooked as the days go by I guess. I taught some of it to my wife and her sister and they caught on pretty quick. It makes alot of sense once you get it written out. These retreats are pretty expensive, but totally worth it if you go to learn and just let things go.

More to come soon, as there were several outings we made while we were there, and our crazy van driver that decided a minivan and a motorcycle could pass each other going through a one lane tunnel...
Not at all! I think your experience is a very very very great thing! Congrats on your breakthroughs! That's a lot of deep personal stuff to finally address and express. It's so important to work through and get these things out. It allows you to move forward in life and grow. I am certain you feel a major difference in yourself and your relationships with those in your life because you made inner peace with yourself. In hindsight, it's funny to think you didn't think you'd get much out of this isn't it? Cheers to you to having an open mind. :rock: :worship: :hotjump:
Lord of Delusions said:
Haha....^^^^^^that might have been a little too much info^^^^^^....oh well.

I think it's cool that you shared your experience so openly and honestly. :rock: Our society forces people, especially men, to behave as though they don't feel anything and we all know that's so not true!! I believe a lot of health problems come from bottling up these deep emotions waaaay down inside and, as Linda said, affects our relationships with those we care for most dearly. You showed much courage in facing these demons and dealing with them. We are not meant to carry our burdens alone....
As far as the hindsight thing went, all I had to go on was what others who had gone before me told me. Like most things in life, the bad things were the ones that were elaborated on. And, like most people in life with general bad attitudes, they voiced their opinions the loudest. I took it all in objectively though, so I ended up having a blast. In fact one of the interns from the camp called me up and asked what I thought of the trip and what I would change. Other than the humidity I had no complaints. Though without the humidity there wouldn't have been so much kick ass early morning fog...lol!

As far as my demons, I feel lucky that they are as minor as they are (were). I still have some, as everyone does. And they are hard to deal with, no matter the size. I would compare it to having paint for your house and letting it sit in the garage for a reeeaaalllly long time because you don't want to deal with what is involved, and that it might not come out right. Its all about a leap of faith. And yeah, my relationships have gotten better. It kind of puts things in perspective.

And it is cool to be able to post something like this here and get some good responses. All the people here have always been a good crowd to hang with. I expected at least ONE dimwitted statement....oh wait, there was that whole "Hidden agenda" thing Robocaster threw up there....:P
Lord of Delusions said:
All the people here have always been a good crowd to hang with. I expected at least ONE dimwitted statement....oh wait, there was that whole "Hidden agenda" thing Robocaster threw up there....:P

Oh that hurts so much..hee, hee.
Let me tell you fact on that once you get over being self conscious and face your fears and problems. EVERYTHING in life becomes easier. Although you should have someone who will stick by you when you are working through it. Unfortunetly for me my wife didn't stick by me. But it opened my eyes and now everything is much easier to deal with. The ups the downs it's all part of life we just need to learn to deal with it. There is no problem in life that will kill you so just be patient it will all smooth out soon enough.
Kerry said:
Let me tell you fact on that once you get over being self conscious and face your fears and problems. EVERYTHING in life becomes easier. Although you should have someone who will stick by you when you are working through it. Unfortunetly for me my wife didn't stick by me. But it opened my eyes and now everything is much easier to deal with. The ups the downs it's all part of life we just need to learn to deal with it. There is no problem in life that will kill you so just be patient it will all smooth out soon enough.

Good words Kerry. Sorry to hear your wife couldn't make it with you... (Escondido huh? I used to have family that lived there. Nice place...). I would elaborate on what you said but it would take a shit load of server space and anyone who dared read it all in one sitting would be cross eyed if they were to make it all the way through... :hypno: . I do agree though. I have swung from both ends of the self esteem rope, and what a difference it makes when you try and crank it up a notch or two! Happiness plays a huge roll in that as well. I remember my most self concious times were also my most depressive. That full blown non-medicated manic depressive, somewhat schizophrenic person that I was 5 years ago is pretty well gone. I wasted alot of perfectly good energy being pissed off and self loathing. Interesting to reflect on from time to time, but nothing I care to revisit in detail.
Lord of Delusions said:
I remember my most self concious times were also my most depressive. That full blown non-medicated manic depressive, somewhat schizophrenic person that I was 5 years ago is pretty well gone. I wasted alot of perfectly good energy being pissed off and self loathing. Interesting to reflect on from time to time, but nothing I care to revisit in detail.

Yes , but (imo) it's all a necessary part of the process. Yin and yang, so to speak. How can you appreciate the light if you've never experienced darkness? Or true joy without understanding sorrow? I don't mean this rudely, but I really feel the current idea of "self-esteem" is a very misguided and misinterpreted one and it seems to me that it creates false illusions and expectations for people. I'd be willing to bet that without going through that period, you wouldn't be the person you are today! It ain't fun when it's happening, but it's oh so worth it when you come through to the other side! :rock:
I've been told by more then one person exactly what you said Aja. Untill you experiance the crap life has to dish out you will never truly appreciate all the good that can come of life and of yourself. People that have never had problems in there life end up with major ones later on because they never had to deal with it in the past. It's a learning curve for sure. Just remember "That which does not kill you will only make you stronger"
And I can't stand people that say "I don't have to get angry, upset or stressed"
They don't understand that it's not the fact that you are stressed or angry or upset. It's how you convey it. It's how you react that makes you the bigger person.
I feel like I'm in therapy or something?????
but thats the truth of the matter you can be pissed, just deal with it and move on.
I have a very stressful job. And I have people that tick me off everyday But it would not be right of me to vent on them. So I correct the problem get my mind off of it and then go vent some where else. Pick up the guitar and play some death metal or something just get it out of your system

As for the Xwife well she dicided it wasn't going to work. We got married for the wrong reasons and very few of the right ones. No kids and a some what easy split. No arguing over this or that just this is yours that's mine and SEE YA. You'll never know how much better a person you can be when you have the wrong person in your life. And that's not to say I wasn't an arse hole either but it doesn't help being provoked.
Anyway your hour is up and I have a six o'clock coming in
Air Raid Siren said:
Yes , but (imo) it's all a necessary part of the process. Yin and yang, so to speak. How can you appreciate the light if you've never experienced darkness? Or true joy without understanding sorrow? I don't mean this rudely, but I really feel the current idea of "self-esteem" is a very misguided and misinterpreted one and it seems to me that it creates false illusions and expectations for people. I'd be willing to bet that without going through that period, you wouldn't be the person you are today! It ain't fun when it's happening, but it's oh so worth it when you come through to the other side! :rock:

I always like reading the messages you post Aja, because you always input that Eastern wisdom in the things you say.
Why, TY Nancy! :blush: You know what they say, you can take the girl out of the east........ :grin:

Ya Kerry, what you said. So true, so true! It's not what happens to you that determines a person's character, but how ya handle it. One needs a place to vent (and the best place is not necessarily all over other people!!) Music fills that need so beautifully! I notice if I don't sing for a while, I get soooooo crabby, lol! Psychologically constipated! Does that make music ex-lax for the soul???? What a thought! :loco: