Spending Cash

As a single person I took $500 and that covered daytime activities, a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant the first night and purchasing at least 4 cd. That just one person. Problem is at PP you can drop thousands if you loose control. Hanging out in Atlanta during the day, plus dinners and the shopping that you will be doing at the show and then the family shopping can add up.
I would have to say for you to be fully prepared...You should bring some extra cash simply because once you step in the merch room. You'll go nuts...Your senses can't handle it. I could go expecting to spend maybe 50, and end up with $400 worth easily. It just...does something to me...
As a single person I took $500 and that covered daytime activities, a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant the first night and purchasing at least 4 cd. That just one person. Problem is at PP you can drop thousands if you loose control. Hanging out in Atlanta during the day, plus dinners and the shopping that you will be doing at the show and then the family shopping can add up.
Well, I don't tend to do much in Atlanta during the day (except sleep:p ) and we tend to eat a lot in the room, but I think I spend around $500 too between merch., room supplies and one or two meals out. I tend to whip out the debit card everywhere but at the vendor tables so I really don't know the exact tally. Better off that way. :lol::blush:
Thanks...Very helpful...I've decided that it might be a bad idea to bring the Mrs. and the kids. So I may be flying solo or talking one of my cheap friends into coming. Though most are into more dark heavy stuff...Or talking my wife into coming and leaving the kids with gram.
This process is giving me a headache...you Atlantians have NO CLUE how lucky you are...Ok well maybe you do! Well looks like this is another year things go wrong. I even looked into coming down for just the showcase. But I cant justify the plane ticket.

Who knows maybe I'll figure it out.

This year is one of the best line up which makes it harder to miss than the past.
Hey Im trying to plan my trip this year (first timer) anyway I'm bringing my wife and children. My wife isnt really into the music and my kids are too young. I just needed to know how much spending money I should plan on having for merch and such...also I realize the info for the Showcase hasnt been set yet but how much was that last year?


IF they are not into metal...bringing your wife and kids to ProgPower is like bringing a bucketfull of sand to the beach...

I treat ProgPower like Vegas:
What HAPPENS in Atlanta, STAYS in Atlanta!

For yourself, if this is your first trip, you can plan on spending 300 bucks, easy. I bank about 500 each year, but the amount I actually spend seems to go down each trip--especially since I have run out of room for concert T's!
Seems like from what I am reading I have grossly underestimated what to expect in the ways of merchandise! As a ProgPower first-timer I was expecting an average amount of CDs, shirts, and so on but it would seem that is but the tip of the metal iceberg. So what should I expect exactly?

Note to self: Save $$$, don't eat!
Sleestak Avatar^^(love it!)
At least a dozen vendors with huge supplies all kinds of metal styles. The thing I like is the vendors aren't just selling the bands on the bill cd's like you get at a lot of events. Of course, most are usually well stocked on these, but I just go nuts in the vendor room. Ton's of cool stuff to pick from and guaranteed you'll run across a plethora of bands you've never heard of before!
I usually drop $250-$300 on cd's and leave wanting. I just have to cut off the spending somewhere, ya know?
Sleestak Avatar^^(love it!)
At least a dozen vendors with huge supplies all kinds of metal styles. The thing I like is the vendors aren't just selling the bands on the bill cd's like you get at a lot of events. Of course, most are usually well stocked on these, but I just go nuts in the vendor room. Ton's of cool stuff to pick from and guaranteed you'll run across a plethora of bands you've never heard of before!
I usually drop $250-$300 on cd's and leave wanting. I just have to cut off the spending somewhere, ya know?

No, there aren't a dozen vendors, but there are six or seven.

Historically, we can expect:

The Laser's Edge (accepts cards, I think)
Century Media (I think they do, too)
Exploding Ned's Tunes (CDs, but also a LOT of t-shirts)
Nightmare Records
(maybe) The End Records (they were absent last year due to moving)

I suggest buying a lot of CDs online before ProgPower hits, if the vendor has free or bulk-discount shipping. That way you won't need to go quite as crazy at PP, and you'll have a lot less to carry aound.
BTW. You could always take less money. Some people hold back from purchasing CDs till PRogPower, so they are spending cash they otherwise would. But there's no real reason to do spur of the moment shopping at ProgPower, though I'm guilty of it too. I know you can save on shipping, and sometimes there are some great deals, but like last year I knew mostly what I wanted to buy in CDs before I ever got there, and I think I only did one sudden buy, due to a good deal I found on a Falconer CD.