Bag Check for PPVIII?

Do you want a bag check? If so, what would you pay for the convenience?

  • Hell yes! I would spend 5 bucks to have someone hold my bags!

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • Hell yes, I would love a bag check but do not want to pay for it.

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Hell no, 5 bucks is too much for the convenience.

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Hell no, I do not need a bag check.

    Votes: 18 43.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Shoot down the UFO's!
Mar 3, 2004
One of the main reasons why we get a room so close to the venue is because we like walking (or stumbling) to the show and back, mainly because we like the convenience of taking our merch back to the hotel before the show.

With the dry dick ASS-RAPING we are getting from the local hotels, I am seriously considering getting a room 5 or more miles away, paying 100 bucks less a night, and spending the money in the vendor's area. 3 years ago, I had a room for 89 a night, and spent over 150 bucks on ProgPower Merch (including 4 ProgPower Shirts!) and beer, pluse I spent another 100 bucks in the vendor area for albums, etc. THIS year, I bought two t-shirts and ONE album downstairs. I did not buy a progpower shirt this year, and that hurt. Why did I curtail spending? Because of the increase in room rates. Next year, I wonder how much merch I will buy when I will be paying 230 dollars more this year than last for the room.

I can handle staying at a distant hotel, having a few beers at the show and then putting up with a drunken cab ride back. What I cannot handle is buying 150-200 dollars in merch and then having to carry it all night. Hence this post. What would it take to get a bag check at the venue? I would be willing to pay 5 bucks to have someone hold my bag of merch all night, so I could pick it up after the last band.

Advantages to having a bag check at the show:
1. Being able to spend more money for the vendors (Including buying ProgPower T-Shirts)!
2. Being able to get what you want right away instead of waiting till the end of the night, or the next day, and taking a chance if the stuff you want is still there. You can buy it when you want, and have someone hold it for you till you go back to the hotel.
3. Being able to enjoy the concert more, without having to hold onto a bag of merch all night.
4. For me personally, I would then take a hotel farther from the show, to save money on lodging and spend more where it should be spent: at the venue!!!
We stay at hotels 3-5 miles away every year, but we also drive so it is easier to put in the trunk the merchandise we purchase.
I would gladly pay to not have to run back to the hotel to drop off my purchases, as i tend to buy stuff all throught the event. So go for it Glenn.
lets give the hotels 100 bucks extra to hold the bags

That is about what we are doing now. I want to support the vendors, the bands, and the great dude who provides us with ProgPower T shirts each year. Giving 219 bucks a night (taxes, room rate, and parking) to the RI is just wrong.
I was lucky enough to have a friend with a closer hotel so I could unload my stuff at his place... as I didn't have my coffin back pack this year. :( But if I end up moving hotels again, I'd be willing to pay $5 for someone to hold my bags.


Don't worry this year you won't be moved at least let's hope not, cause if you are then we are also.