Looking for roommate

Well fuck, my roommate flaked on me and now I need a roommate. I'm at the Omni at the CNN Center. Your half is $170 for 4 nights - Wednesday through Sunday (I arrive fairly late on Wednesday).

That's a pretty killer rate for what appears to be an awesome hotel. I hope you have luck filling the spot.
SF Metal Man...see the Loft at the Artmore thread. Perhaps you can move to party central and it work out for everyone.

That would have been awesome, but I got my room from Hotwire, so it is pre-paid and I can't cancel. That is also how I got the room for less than half the normal price. If I can't get a roomie, I'll survive, but it will certainly curtail my shirt and CD buying which I was really looking forward to.
I'm coming to progpower usa next week from Daytona Beach, FL. I got a ticket for Friday & Saturday. So I'm going to get a hotel for Friday & Saturday nights.

Does anyone want to share hotel costs? I'm not interested in throwing a party or any trouble. I just want to enjoy the music.

I didn't reserve a room anywhere yet, but I was thinking of driving a few miles away to get a room at maybe Days Inn or something. I've got a reliable car and I'm going to be there whether someone else tags along or not. We could share driving or parking costs too. I wouldn't mind picking someone up along the way to Atlanta on Thursday night or Friday morning if you're not too far off the path.

I don't drink or smoke. I'm a musician, surfer, and I build web sites for a living. I love progressive music and want to hear my favorite music live. PM me or reply.
Send SF Metal Man a PM. Someone pulled a seriously dick move on him and he's looking for someone just like you. Hopefully you guys can forge a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Artmore loft suite spot...

I have one spot available if someone doesn't mind staying in the Artmore in a loft suite. :) Probably Sleeps 4, we only have 3. 60 bucks a night, preferably someone who needs it for Wed - Sat as most of us don't want our portion of the funds already allocated to go UP.

PM me