I'm bored, who here all....

Hmm. And I see someone referring to the weapons my numbers, not by name. Sheesh. What has the world come to? :)

I occasionally play CS, Q3 and UT, though usually only with a few assorted friends -- and only CS on the Internet with them, as the others are far too bad at compesating ping.

Well, CS at public servers sucks, that's why I enjoy my admin skills on my Clanserver so much :D
When you join a Clan and enter the world of CWs and the whole league stuff, you'll see that CS fully reveals its team-oriented gameplay and feels like a totally different game than the DeathMatch Nuuby-Camper-Orgy on the public servers. I'm playing CS for 3 years now and I still enjoy it :p
Originally posted by BodomiC
cs simply sucks :D I hate camping, so ive chosen quake3, and if someone does play that game, he must know me from clanbase international cup season this year :D
Oh yeah, Q3 is totally lamer, camper and nuub-free! :rolleyes:
Well, I do play Q3 as well, it's great for reflextraining and stuff, but I really dont give a shit about the online Q3 community, so I dont think I know you at all... :p
Did you win the tournament dude? Tell me about it :)
@ northern viking : I know that theres a neverending conflict with cs and q3 :D But hey, i dont give shit about it. I like team playing, and it doesnt matter if its this or that. I play 18 months uptill now and my clan is the vice champion of Poland :D

I hope u dont mind, that i think q3 is way better than cs :D