I'm drunk, how are you?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Wow, another kickass night in Italy...

These Italians have the coolest pubs...the one I went to tonight had a dj that didn't play anything but death, melodic death, black, thrash, and doom metal....all night long....and there were TONS of gorgeous Italian women there too...

Why can't America follow suit? LMAO!
Been drinking Thor's Hammer vodka all night. Fuck yeah... I drank with a few friends and had a cook out, so I'm good to go for the night.

I'd fuckin' love to go to a bar that just plays metal. That would be the greatest thing since canned ham, and canned ham fuckin' rules.
Man, they played At the Gates, Deicide, Emperor, old school stuff like Anthrax, old Metallica, shitloads of Iron Maiden, and just about everything else you can imagine. What a great country. Plus I hooked up with some dude who wants me to sing in his band. Overall, a pretty good night.