I'm thirsty


I probably hate you
Nov 12, 2001
So yesterday I went to a metal show in Tel Aviv at the Asylum club with a fellow metalhead called Michael. It's right across the street from the Barby club, which is where Amon Amarth is playing next week! :kickass:

T'was my first time there, and to be honest, half the reason I went was to figure out how to get there by car next week without circling in Tel Aviv for hours looking for the place, thus getting to the show late. Of course that was a good idea, because that's exactly what I did for 40 minutes there. Damn people who don't know street names. Damn them to hell. We got to this show about 50 minutes late. Luckily the bands only started playing at 11:30. Though The music the DJ played before the bands came up was pretty good.

Then the first band came up, a local band called Enuma Elish. Their lead guitarist Eldar is a friend of Michael. His playing was cool, and so was the drummer. Didn't like their songs though. Standard un-melodic death metal that was pretty noisy and boring.

Then came an intermission, with some more music the dj put on. Time for me to go outside for some fucking air. And to let my ears rest for a bit.

And then another local band came up. These guys had songs I liked a lot more, but it was their first gig so there were problems. The sound was crap, members kept getting on and off stage. Most of the time they were just laughing with the crowd, about half of which consisted of friends of theirs.

Kinda sucky, but all-in-all it was an okay night. Mostly because it's better than sitting at home whacking off.

Once the set was over the guitarist and drummer of the first band joined us and I drove them home to Rishon Lezion. During the ride Michael put some of his annoying proggy records and we all had a hearty debate about metal (and laughing at Michael and his wacky genre definitions)

Other interesting stuff:
  1. I was really hungry before the show started so I bought a Tuna sandwich that kicked much ass.
  2. After leaving Rishon, I missed a turn to the left, and almost entered a military base near the beach. Then I figured out what was wrong and got back on the appropriate road. We passed through Yavne, and from there it was smooth sailin' for an hour and a quarter until we reached my city, Beer Sheva at around 4 AM.
  3. The "I'm thirsty" at the title of the thread refers to what the stamp the dude at the entrance put on our hands.
  4. Goddamn that was a good sandwich.
KleptomaN said:
Once the set was over the guitarist and drummer of the first band joined us and I drove them home to Rishon Lezion. During the ride Michael put some of his annoying proggy records and we all had a hearty debate about metal (and laughing at Michael and his wacky genre definitions)
You live in Rishon? !:eek:

Anyways, Asylum and me aren't friends. I havent been there yet and I dont think I'll ever be. (unless I find 100nis for amon amarth).
I wanted to go to the Barbie last night, there was a Parva Hama performence and they screened some of John Zorn's performences.
But I didn't have money and couln't go !:cry:.
Nogie said:
i hate the asylum club. its too small and the sound is crappy. and i hate the fact that amon amarth is playing at the barbie. it's fucking amon amarth, where the hell they're going to put all the people?? oh well.

hey lyri how was the tribute to OL night?

oh and i have no idea who/what kleptoman is talking about...
and i hope to meet you next week at the amon amarth concert?

and im back from wacken, btw.
The barbie is better than anywhere else. and i didn't go, i didnt have cash and felt like shite.

How did go at Wacken? :Spin:
I'm sure u had fun, when we meet I want you to tell me everything :D
I'm not coming to amon amarth because I don't have money and we have problems at home :ill:.
Hope you'll have fun :cool:.