I'm finally making the switch to PT HD

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just pulled the trigger on PT8 HD2 Accel.....

can't wait till it's here....next thing on my list: digi 192 i/o (or perhaps 92i/o)

I'm fucking scared though...shipping PCI cards from the US to europe.....hope they're packed securely

oh, and I'll need to get a vst wrapper to use my API bundle and MH CS with it....do those wrappers work flawlessly?
Nice, congrats on the switch. One day...... haha

Anyway, I haven't run into any problems with my vst wrapper. It seems to do the job pretty well.

Good luck!!
If I was doing this, personally I would hands down invest in the upgrade to TDM versions of your waves stuff.

Congratulations though, Pro Tools HD is SOOOO much nicer to work on vs. LE.

yeah. LE (w/o the toolkits) is just a toy, I never used it.
Well...given the price of a HD2 accel rig "upgrading existing rtas to tdm" is easier said than done ;)

I'm using the API plugins a lot though, so if I run into CPU power problems I'll have to upgrade eventually
Nice one mate!
P.M me/E mail me if you have any pro-tools related issues!
'gratz. Something tells me you'll be sticking up for Cubase a whole lot less once you get your system up and running :)

I absolutely can't wait to make the same move as you here.

well, I always said HD is more powerfull than cubase..
all I said was that editing in cubase is really powerfull and way more powerfull than LE without the toolkits.
and I still support that opinion ;)
kreyskull: thanks!
i currently use HD rigs, and cant wait to be able to afford the upgrade from my LE system to an HD 1 system, with 192 or 96 I/O congrats dude, you'll really start enjoying it in a cpl of months. only took me a couple of months, infact less to fully switch over from cubase/nuendo to PT!!
I switch to protools too some months ago....it's a very good daw. Unfortunatelly I'm not a pro yet so I bought pt8 m-powered. If I'll start to work very much I'll make the switch to HD.
If you don't know how the work will be, I think it's not wise to spend so much money
i currently use HD rigs, and cant wait to be able to afford the upgrade from my LE system to an HD 1 system, with 192 or 96 I/O congrats dude, you'll really start enjoying it in a cpl of months. only took me a couple of months, infact less to fully switch over from cubase/nuendo to PT!!

well... I can't even afford a couple of weeks...hope it'll be sooner ;)
well if you read your manual, and apply yourself to it you'll have it down very quickly... the only way i can possibly imagine it taking anyone months to comfortably make the switch is if they are of the type that refuses to crack a manual and insists to learn by trial and error. don't be that flavor of douche and you'll be fine, very quickly. :lol:
well if you read your manual, and apply yourself to it you'll have it down very quickly... the only way i can possibly imagine it taking anyone months to comfortably make the switch is if they are of the type that refuses to crack a manual and insists to learn by trial and error. don't be that flavor of douche and you'll be fine, very quickly. :lol:

yeah, not really worried tbh.
I got the basics and just need to get used to the different workflow and keycommands to unleash the full potential
on gearslutz there are some 96i's going pretty cheap - I checked the digidesign website, but its a little hard to make out what the power requirements it has.....i think it says 100V-240V or something

can anyone confirm?

EDIT: n/m got it back panel

If you are spending the money on an HD system, don't skimp and buy a 96io... This is a serious investment... the 192io sounds so much better, and you're already putting some serious cash on a new DAW.

That being said, good luck! Pro Tools is IMO the easiest to learn and the most powerful DAW. I've been running HD2 on a Dell PC ever since it was available to purchase... and I have no regrets!
