I'm finally making the switch to PT HD

I have heard there is a difference in quality between the 192 and 96, but also heard that its pretty negligable for the most part.

anyone will to expand a little further with their own experiences? im sure gearslutz is full of that kind of stuff but im not sure how much i trust their opinions over there.
I have always heard the 96s are not as good as the 192s, but that is just what I have heard.

I would take a look at getting a Lynx Aurora 8 too. You just need to get their Pro Tools card and then get some used HD and accel cards and you are all set.
don't wanna buy lynx etc...got RME ADI-8 DS and Apogee...should be enough.
I don't care for 192k and if the converters in the 96 are as good as the ones in the 192 I don't see a reason to get that one
I'm thinking to buy an hd system in the future...the problem is that all my pre's have an A/D conversion in the inputs (profire 2626 and Octopre), so if I would connect the pre's outputs in the digi inputs, there would be a cascade of 2 A/D :\
A good solution could be the presence of 2 ADAT channels, but unfortunatelly in the digi 96 there are no adat port. The digi 192 instead has 2 adat channels