I'm getting feedback trying to reamp bass. Logic 8 routing help needed!


Aug 29, 2005
I'm trying to reamp some DI bass tracks in Logic with my Focusrite Saffire Pro. I'm getting nasty feedback from the mics and I need some help setting up my routing.

I'm currently set up as follows:

Input 1 is a Shure KSM27 LDC. Input 2 is an SM57.

Outputs 1 and 2 are the main mix sent to my monitor amp. Output 3 runs to the bass rig, which has quite a bit of distortion running. I want dirty bass for a heavy rock track.

All tracks are muted save for the Bass DI, which is assigned to output 3.

As soon as crack the gain on the mics more than a tiny bit, I get nasty feedback through the bass rig. It's fine with the mics off. I originally had the mics assigned to outputs 1 and 2. I've tried turning the output off for the mic channels. Same problem.

So it's routing the mics through the distorted bass rig somehow. Can anyone give me some feedback here on what I'm doing wrong? I've been using Logic for several months now but haven't had cause to reamp anything yet. Help would be greatly appreciated!
I've tried muting the mic channels in Logic, but there is a dedicated i/o control for the Saffire Pro. I'll see if I can find something in there. Maybe the hardware itself is overriding my settings in Logic and sending the mic signal through the bass rig?

EDIT: The SaffireControl Pro software doesn't seem to help with this... for whatever reason, it's routing all my inputs through all my outputs.
Fixed. It was in the SaffireControl software after all. There's a slider for each pair of outs that I thought was some L/R balance thing. Turns out it controls how much of the main mix is blended in with that pair of outs. :hypno: Problem solved.