I'm going to meet Alter Bridge on Friday!!!!!

Somehow I don't think you'll have a problem coming up with stuff to talk about, Jenna!! You have a definite talent as a communicator. :p

Hope you have a wonderful time - and looking forward to hearing your take on the show.

Not when confronted with famous people!!! When I first met Dave Mustaine I was babbling some rubbish about the difference between the Saltire and Lion Rampant Scottish flags!!! :hypno: :blush: Thank you all the same hun!!!

I'm feeling so nervous!!!!! :cry:
They came to our show and we were invited to their show at the NAMM Paul Reed Smith party. It was private but they got us on the list. They are an awesome band.

Here's a list of things in a previous interview you maybe can expand on?? I dunno, at least maybe get some further inquiring questions from answers given here? http://listenin.org/interviews/archive/artists/Alter+Bridge/default.aspx

Worth a listen I suppose.

Good luck Jenna!!!! :rock:
They came to our show and we were invited to their show at the NAMM Paul Reed Smith party. It was private but they got us on the list. They are an awesome band.

Here's a list of things in a previous interview you maybe can expand on?? I dunno, at least maybe get some further inquiring questions from answers given here? http://listenin.org/interviews/archive/artists/Alter+Bridge/default.aspx

Worth a listen I suppose.

Good luck Jenna!!!! :rock:

Caught this post too late Linda but thank you anyway!!!

The gig was last night and it has to be one of my favourite concerts ever!! I'd found out on Tuesday that I'd won a meet and greet through a random website I found whilst looking for tickets for my friend so I was very nervous!!!! We were to be at the venue for 4pm so a rattling bus and slow train ride later we finally got into Glasgow and to the venue. About 20 minutes later Michael Tremonti (Mark's brother who does work for the band) comes out and tells us that they're having problems with some of the equipment and to come back at 5pm. We go off to find some food and I'm trying to eat some chips but feel so sick with nerves that I can hardly stomach them. About 20 mins later we head back to the venue and eventually get taken in with some other winners. They'd got pizza and coke for us all which was really nice of them but I still couldn't eat anything. We got to talk to Michael for a bit and he's a really lovely guy. He gave us all really cool posters which we could get signed if we wanted. Mark was having serious trouble with his rig so whilst we were waiting Brian and Scott came down to speak to us all. They were both very nice, Brian was very quiet and I hadn't a clue what to say to him but he signed my albums and I got a photo with him. Scott was very laid back and easier to talk to so I was telling him about how I became a fan through hearing of the band for the first time at Donington 2005 and instantly becoming a fan because of that show and he thought that was very cool. Also said they're probably gonna be playing this year too. Woo!!! After more waiting they finally start soundchecking. I go up to the barrier right in front of Myles and it's like a private show just for me cos everyone else is standing a bit back. They played Brand New Start, White Knuckles, Blackbird, Ties That Bind, Whole Lotta Rosie and Come To Life. As I was taking a photo of Myles and Mark, Myles gave me a cute little smile that made me want to go all fangirl on him!! We got moved back as they were playing Come To Life and then Myles and Mark came down to speak to us. Myles came over to us first and I shook his hand saying how great it was to meet him, got my albums signed and a photo with him. My knees were totally like jelly at this point but he was very sweet. Then we went over to speak to Mark. He shakes my hand and the first thing he says to me is, "Hey, I saw you singing down there!!" Cue red face and giant smile from me!! I didn't know what to say to that so just said thank you very much and asked him to sign my albums. I got a photo with him and then asked him about him seeing The Iron Maidens cos Aja said he'd been to a couple of shows but he said that he'd never seen them but heard they were awesome. He said he knew Brian had seen them tho. Then we talked about how much we love Iron Maiden and I was telling him how the Maidens were hugely inspirational to me as a frustrated guitar and bass player. He told me just to keep at it, practise as much I could and I would get there eventually. He said he still has trouble sometimes but I said he didn't seem to be having much trouble up there to which he thanked me very much and shook my hand. The band were SO lovely and Michael was really great with us as well. Unfortunately we had to go back out to the queue which was massive at this point but as soon as we got back in, I got straight up to third row on Mark's side and during the gig, I swear he recognised me and gave me a big grin. The band were so good and the crowd were so loud!!! After every song there was just huge chants of "ALTER BRIDGE! ALTER BRIDGE!". Myles couldn't stop smiling at that. I absolutely love this band and cannot wait to see them again!!!

Setlist was something like...

Come To Life
Buried Alive
Find The Real
Brand New Start
White Knuckles
Broken Wings
Coming Home
Before Tomorrow Comes
Ties That Bind
Watch Over You
Open Your Eyes

Whole Lotta Rosie
Rise Today

Photos and video - http://metallicat180.myphotoalbum.com/view_album.php?set_albumName=album01&page=1
Wow Jenna, that's just beyond awesome! :hbd:

Sounds like you had quite a day, and i had no idea they were going to be playing a full show as well! I wish i could have been there. :(

Not surprised at you going fangirlish, im all nervy just hearing about it!

And thanx for introducing me to the forums. The Maidens rock!
I really couldn't stand Creed they made me want to gag. Especially Scott Stapp I just couldn't take him. But Alter Bridge definetely makes some quality tunes. The new album has some really heavy riffs. I would love to hear Mark Tremonti do a straight forward metal band one of these days. Miles has a good voice, a bit too high for me at times but he is a good singer non the less.