Just come back from Alter Bridge in Glasgow and what can I say!!! What a fucking gig!!!!
It was awesome!!!!!!!!!! I left at about 3.30pm to get all the planes, trains and automobiles I needed to get to Glasgow. Got there about 6.15pm and grabbed a quick snack and headed off for the venue. When I got there, there wasn't much of a queue really. I'd been there to see Megadeth in February and when we got to the venue there was a queue a mile long. Plus this queue was in the opposite direction to the last one. Anyways, I joined it and I glad I joined it when I did cos millions of people started arriving after that!! Eventually after about half an hour I got into the venue. After a quick stop to buy a t-shirt and a wristband, I headed down to the floor. The support band, Logan, came on about 7.45pm-ish and they were BRILLIANT!!!! They were a Glasgow band who'd supported Alter Bridge before, but I'd never heard of them. People were shouting "You fucking rock!!" etc in between their songs, and alot of people knew their stuff. A few songs into their set someone shouted something which reminds me of why I love Glasgow so much. He shouted to the singer, "Kenny - you rock like a bastard!!!" in a thick, Glaswegian accent. Hahahaha!! I thought that was hilarious!!! They played for about 45mins and they were really, really good!! I managed to slap the singer's hand when he came down the front. The guy right next to me managed to get the drummer's stick - bastard! I'd had to go to the show on my own cos my friend Steve didn't know whether he had a gig with his band that night and he didn't want to risk buying a ticket and then not be able to use it. I didn't mind cos I was surrounded by a group of these hilarious guys. One of them nicked his mate's hat and threw it up on the stage and then the guy started giving the other one a bollocking about owning him £20 cos it was a new hat etc! Then one of them started going on about wanting the band to see his t-shirt which when I turned around read, "Aaron kisses badgers!". Ok, very random that!! Hahaha!! Finally the lights dim and it's time for Alter Bridge!!! At this point I was about 2 from the front in the centre and so had a fantastic view. The guys come onto the stage and start One Day Remains, a great opener which had the crowd jumping from the first chord!!! The first couple of lines Myles (Kennedy - singer) was looking straight at me and we sang them together!!!!
Everyone was singing so loudly and Myles had a huge grin on his face, cos to be honest I don't think he expected such an amazing reception as they got. I was singing my heart out as that's one of my favourites of theirs. From that they go into Find The Real which is also a brilliant tune. The guys behind me had been talking about how much they liked the next song, Metalingus, before Alter Bridge came on and I knew that one was going to be a bit mental - and I was right! That was the maddest song of the night crowd wise, with alot of moshing during that one. Both Myles and Mark did superb guitar solos before the next song, Mark is an unbelievable guitarist and very underrated in my opinion. Burn It Down was a chance for everyone to calm down a bit, and everyone was singing really loudly on that song. They played The End Is Here, which got a great crowd reception but is not one of my favourite songs of theirs I have to admit. I was hoping they'd play Shed My Skin instead of that one tonight, but they didn't. Next we got a little surprise - a cover of AC/DC's Whole Lotta Rosie which everyone went mental at. Lots of jumping was happening on that one which of course I had to join in with cos when you're that tightly packed, it's either jump or get your feet stood on by the people all around you!!! So even tho I'm knackered and out of breathe, I still had to jump which makes trying to sing along at the same time a real challenge!! Hehe! Now for another two of my favourites, the slow verses and dramatic choruses of Broken Wings and Down To My Last both of which was singing at the top of my voice. The into the crunching chords of Watch Your Words - great song and one of my best friend's favourites so I had to phone her to let her have a listen! Because they've only got one album out, and want to try and sever the Creed connection, they do a couple of covers in their set and the next one I was expecting cos I'd hear they'd been doing it on their US tour, it was Led Zeppelin's Rock N' Roll. Great song and they do a brilliant version of it. Great singalong from the crowd on that one. After that, they went off but I knew they'd be back for an encore. The crew set some stools out and they come back out for an acoustic version of my very favourite song of theirs - In Loving Memory. It's such a beautiful song and because it's so quiet, you could really hear the crowd giving their all on that one. Their last song always reminds me of the first time I ever saw (or heard) them. I first saw them at Donington 2005 without having heard of the band at all! We only watched they because they were on before Anthrax and had nothing better to do. I'm so glad we did cos I went straight out and bought their cd. Their last song was Open Your Eyes - Myles got the crowd singing the chorus on their own and it sounded brilliant. I really love that song. All in all, a fantastic gig and an amazing band!!! Can't wait to see them next time they come back to Glasgow!!!