Just back from Megadeth in Glasgow!


Glasgow – 3rd February 2005

At first I didn’t think I was gonna be going as Steve, my guitar teacher who was giving me a lift, was 20 mins late and I thought he wasn’t coming but eventually he did and set off. Then when we go to Glasgow we couldn’t find the venue! Eventually we found and saw that there was a huge line of people waiting outside. We waited in it for ages but then we had to go to the box office cos I had to get my pass and Steve and his friend had to get their tickets. So we had to join the queue again after all that!! Eventually we got in and after buying a t-shirt and some wristbands we went down to the floor just as Diamond Head came on and they were really good. They played all the songs I knew from Metallica covering them. We managed to get down to about 3 from the front and were waiting for what seemed like a lifetime before Megadeth came on.

Eventually the lights dimmed and everyone went nuts. The guys walked on stage in the dark and then as the lights came up they blasted into Blackmail The Universe! It was awesome and the band sounded great! From that straight into Set The World Afire which sounded brutal! Then into one of my personal favourites – Skin O’ My Teeth and then The Scorpion. The crown went mental for the next song which was Wake Up Dead. After the first verse when it goes, “If I wake her, I’ll wake up dead!” me and the guy that was beside me just screamed the word “Dead!” in each others faces, it was hilarious! The next song I was desperate to hear – In My Darkest Hour, my favourite Megadeth tune and it was superb!! Dave was headbanging away at the side of the stage near the end was great! The crowd got a bit too into that one and a lot of us (myself included) nearly ended up on the floor, but everyone was ok. Next another new one, Something That I’m Not which is widely known is about Lars Ulrich, but no bitching or mention of him which I was happy about. Angry Again was great but again the crowd was a bit too into it and people nearly fell again. After that I just had to get out of there cos I just wasn’t enjoying it cos I was getting so crushed I could hardly breathe and I’d got a serious case of low blood sugar, being diabetic, and had to go get a drink and a seat. I just went and slumped against the merch booth while Steve got me a drink. After “missing” (we were in the same room all the time, but not really paying attention) A Tout Le Monde and Die Dead Enough we were feeling ready to back down to the floor, but just to the back this time. So in the middle of Trust, we go back down and we’re feeling much better as we can actually breathe! The classic Tornado Of Souls was excellent, Glen played the solo really well!! Another couple of new songs next – Of Mice & Men and Kick The Chair, the latter was one I was dying to see live and it was as incredible as I thought it would be! Time next for one of my favourite ‘Deth tunes – Hangar 18 and I headbanged like a nutter the whole way through it and through the next song Back In The Day which is my favourite from the new album. Time for the classics now – Sweating Bullets, the song that got me into Megadeth and it sounded a great as always, Symphony Of Destruction which was heavy as fuck! Second last but not least Peace Sells which sounded really cool and a great sing along for the crowd. It was a medley with Mechanix in the middle of it, which was a cool thing to do – just sticking Mechanix right in the middle of it like that!

Of course, no Megadeth show is complete without the national anthem – Holy Wars…The Punishment Due. After furiously headbanging my way through that, I dawned on me that once this had finished I would be meeting the band! Argh!!

I met up with a girl I knew from the Megadeth message board and was talking to her for a while, then someone else we knew came up and we were just chatting away quite happily until we had to go wait at the bar until we were ready to meet the band. Then we all got told to come through as we were going somewhere else to wait for the band but the security wouldn’t let people with the VIP passes up, only the ones with Meet & Greet. Even tho we’d got the VIP passes through Dave himself, they wouldn’t let them up. I only got to go cos I had an all-access laminate pass. Me and Hayley were waiting up in the bar talking about the gig and how good it was until we were called down to the stage area again to meet the band. We were sat right at the very end and we glimpsed Dave and were getting really nervous. James came up to us first and shook our hands asked if there was anything we’d like him to sign for us and I got my albums signed and got him to sign a Russian flag for my friend Alisa. I said to him about how great the gig was and how I’d nearly died down at the front and he smiled and said, “Well, how do you think we feel up there?! Hahaha!” I got a photo with him and he was really sweet! Next Shawn came up and signed my albums and flag and then Glen came up after. I complimented him on the gig too and he seemed quite shy and modest about it – both were really quiet, but very nice and I got photos with them too. Next was Dave! He was speaking to someone and I thought he was gonna walk away so I actually approached him and asked if he could sign some stuff for us. He shook my hand and I said, “Hi, I’m Jenna!” and he’s like, “Hi, I’m Dave!” and I was just thinking that was so sweet as he didn’t assume I knew who he was!! I got him to sign my albums and flag and got a picture taken with him and got a picture of him with the flag too, to send to Alisa. He said to me when I asked to take a pic, “Well, I don’t look gorgeous but go ahead!” and I really wanted to say well that’s a matter of opinion, but I was too scared!! He was really nice, speaking to us about the gig and what we thought of the new guys. I said to him about nearly dying during A Tout Le Monde and he smiled and agreed that it was pretty intense down there. I also said to him about the people who never got up and he seemed genuinely upset and actually sent someone out to look for the people who’d not got to come up but they’d gone. He was so sweet and I had to run after him as he was heading out as I’d forgotten to ask him to sign a plectrum for Steve, who was chuffed to bits about it!

Overall it was a fantastic gig, if not a tad violent, but meeting the band after made it even better and they were soooooo nice!!! Megadeth rule!! \m/ \m/


Blackmail The Universe
Set The World Afire
Skin O' My Teeth
The Scorpion
Wake Up Dead
In My Darkest Hour
Something That I'm Not
Angry Again
A Tout Le Monde
Die Dead Enough
Tornado Of Souls
Of Mice & Men
Kick The Chair
Hangar 18
Back In The Day
Sweating Bullets
Symphony Of Destruction
Peace Sells/Mechanix Medley
Holy Wars...The Punishment Due
Pretty cool getting back stage and meeting the stars, I assume at the big shows, there must be a couple hundred people who want to meet and talk to the stars, from people in the business to fans. Anyway, reminds me of Walt my new guitar buddy, he has pictures of him and the guitar player from Motley Crew, yea they are private pictures, I guess Walt used to have a love-affair thing with this dudes sister, any I guess he got to help back stage at the Motley Crew / Queens Riche concert, but he actually worked for little bands for a while. The story abut the tattooed dude from Motley Crew is he died and came back to life after a heroine overdose, but now he goes to AA 3 times a week and his new motto is “Sobriety, family then music.”.

One time when I was at a Rush concert in Seattle there I was watching the crowd on the floor move like waves of water with people crushing each other, and the stage began to buckle and then those guys were up there stomping it back down. They finally got the crowd to move back and quit pushing, but after that, Rush required a seated audience on the floor at the Seattle venue.
Hey Metallicat! Cool concert so it sounds! How did you get the all access passes? That must of been awesome. I won tix to the W.A.S.P. show a few months back and they were suppose to do a Meet and Greet with the winners. Blacky Lawless didn't come out! He refused to do it. That was sad, it was a good show and I couldn't believe that he copped out like that. I was alright with it. Although I did listen to their music in high school, I wasn't a die hard fan. But I did feel bad for the younger fans that were totally into them. They were so disappointed. My friends, the band CAGE, were playing that night. To be honest, I went to see them. They are awesome. I think they've played with the MaidenS at Cane's before. Anyway, I'm so glad that you had a great experience and that they were cool. I admire bands that appreciate their fans. But hey, you get a 50/50 deal with them. Some are cool and some aren't. I don't really follow the ones that aren't. I feel that they don't deserve my loyalty. Stay fierce Metallicat and thanks for sharing!! :headbang: Can't wait to see the pics!! :D
MAIDEN67 said:
Hey Metallicat! Cool concert so it sounds! How did you get the all access passes? That must of been awesome. I won tix to the W.A.S.P. show a few months back and they were suppose to do a Meet and Greet with the winners. Blacky Lawless didn't come out! He refused to do it. That was sad, it was a good show and I couldn't believe that he copped out like that. I was alright with it. Although I did listen to their music in high school, I wasn't a die hard fan. But I did feel bad for the younger fans that were totally into them. They were so disappointed. My friends, the band CAGE, were playing that night. To be honest, I went to see them. They are awesome. I think they've played with the MaidenS at Cane's before. Anyway, I'm so glad that you had a great experience and that they were cool. I admire bands that appreciate their fans. But hey, you get a 50/50 deal with them. Some are cool and some aren't. I don't really follow the ones that aren't. I feel that they don't deserve my loyalty. Stay fierce Metallicat and thanks for sharing!! :headbang: Can't wait to see the pics!! :D

I got it through the Megadeth message boards. One of only 7 people to get that!

That sucks about Blackie too - I always thought he seemed cool!

I can't wait to see pics either!!!! :headbang:
Sounds like you had an amazing time, Jenna! Lucky girl!!! It's always great to hear about the artists who treat their fans right. Sounds like Dave is a righteous guy! Very cool. :headbang:
I've never understood the ones who are rude and unaccommodating and don't realize that it's the fans who make it possible for them to do what they do. Some people in this business, unfortunately, don't understand gratitude and/or have had their butts kissed so much they've lost touch with reality. :err: :yuk:
Air Raid Siren said:
Sounds like you had an amazing time, Jenna! Lucky girl!!! It's always great to hear about the artists who treat their fans right. Sounds like Dave is a righteous guy! Very cool. :headbang:
I've never understood the ones who are rude and unaccommodating and don't realize that it's the fans who make it possible for them to do what they do. Some people in this business, unfortunately, don't understand gratitude and/or have had their butts kissed so much they've lost touch with reality. :err: :yuk:

Thank you - this time last night I was headbanging and thrashing my way through the concert! I wish I was still there!!

Dave was a very very sweet guy, all the guys in the band were. I was so glad they weren't assholes otherwise it would have destroyed my image of the band forever - but this has made me love them even more!

Can't wait to get my photos back! I have to take another 15 pictures to use up the spool of me meeting them. I took my normal camera cos I didn't want to damage my digital one, which would have certainly been broken.
kewl to hear that glen drover is shreddin lead on all those songs played by so many excellent guitarists :) poland, young, freidman, pitrelli - not easy shoes to fill! thanks for the interesting tidbit on the lyrics of something that i'm not- i hadn't known about that! sounded like a kick ass show definately- excellent song list :headbang:
MiniMurray said:
kewl to hear that glen drover is shreddin lead on all those songs played by so many excellent guitarists :) poland, young, freidman, pitrelli - not easy shoes to fill! thanks for the interesting tidbit on the lyrics of something that i'm not- i hadn't known about that! sounded like a kick ass show definately- excellent song list :headbang:

Glen plays the most difficult solos with the greatest of ease - makes it look effortless!!!! He was great on stage!!! :headbang: :worship:

It was a fantasic show and meeting the band after just made it even better!!