My review of Motorhead in Glasgow

I'd found out about a week before the show that Mark and Linda had arranged with Phil Campbell to get me passes for the show so I was even more excited about it than I was before. Tried my best to find someone to come with me but anyone who wanted to go couldn't and anyone who could go didn't want to so I had to accept the fact that I was going to be on my tod for this one.

Got into Glasgow for about half 6 and went and had a Burger King cos I was starving and also cos I wanted to heat up. I was just freezing constantly that day. I didn't leave Burger King until about 7pm cos that's when the doors opened and hopefully I wouldn't have to wait too long in the cold. I headed down to the Academy and went straight to the box office. I asked the girl there if there was anything for me to pick up and when she asked me who put me on the guest list, it felt so cool to say "Phil Campbell did". The coolness of that was completely lost on her tho when she replied, "Who does he work for?". D'oh!! Haha!! So I got my pass and headed to the queue which was still huge.

Finally got in and immediately I spot Liam from Maiden Scotland waiting at the bar. I went over and spoke to him asking him why the hell no-one told me he was going cos he could have had my other pass!! Ah well, nevermind!! Caught the last bit of Danko Jones and by the sounds of things, I didn't miss much. I was really looking forward to Saxon and they didn't disappoint. I was a couple of rows back on the left side of the stage and had a fantastic view. The bass player was especially good and full of energy. The crowd loved them as well. Denim And Leather was the highlight of their set for me I think.

I was feeling a bit dehydrated after Saxon so went and got a drink and pretty much walked right back up to the spot I had just left. The crowd wasn't tightly packed at all even tho there was loads of people there. They played Killers by Iron Maiden over PA just before the band came on which had me singing along with a big dopey grin on my face.

There was no fancy intro tape or lighting. The band just walked on and Lemmy announced, "We are Motorhead and we play rock n' roll" and bang straight into it. The crowd I thought was surprisingly tame but that's probably cos I'm used to getting caught in a mosh whenever a band kicks off. I think cos Motorhead crowds tend to be a bit older, they don't do that. There was plenty of singing, headbanging and horn throwing tho. I was grinning ear to ear throughout the whole show cos I was having such a good time. There was a few times Phil came to the front of the stage and I thought I saw him smiling at me, but I wasn't sure (cos the other 20 people around me probably thought that too). Admittedly I'm not the world's biggest Motorhead fan so there was a couple of songs I didn't know. Songs they played that I did know were Ace Of Spades (obviously!), Overkill, Stay Clean, Whorehouse Blues, Rock Out, The Thousand Names Of God, Metropolis, Killed By Death, Born To Raise Hell, Just Cause You Have The Power, Going To Brazil, Rosalie, I Got Mine, In The Name Of Tragedy and a few others. Mikkey Dee also did a very cool drum solo too. I was hoping for more from their new album cos it's awesome. Stuff like Runaround Man or When The Eagle Screams and some other songs like Sacrfice, Damage Case, No Class, Orgasmatron, The Chase Is Better Than The Catch and my favourite, Bomber but there you go, you can't have everything can you!

After the show, me and about 7-8 other people are waiting to meet the band. Everyone is getting herded out and I'm just standing at the top of the stairs watching all the roadies dismantling everything. Maybe an hour or so later, quite a few people have left cos they can't be bothered waiting and it's just me and this other guy left. He comes up to speak to me and introduced himself as Brian. He was over here on holiday from Canada and we had a great time chatting about various things. I got especially excited when he told me he'd done work for Metallica during the Justice tour. We must have been waiting there for at least two hours after the show finished. There was just me, Brian and this photographer guy waiting. Eventually one of the crew comes up and asks to see our passes. It turns out the photographer guy had the wrong pass and wouldn't be allowed backstage. I felt quite sorry for him not being allowed back, especially after waiting all that time. He asks to see my pass and asks what my name was and when I told him, he shook my hand and said "Oh yeah, I've heard all about you!" which made me go all shy!

As he was taking us backstage, he said that Phil was especially wanting to meet me (ok, who's the rockstar here - me or him?! Haha!) and as we went into the dressing room, there was a few people there but only Mikkey from the band. I asked him to sign my drawing and got a photo with him (which is on Brian's camera as mine is knackered) and he was very nice. Then I hear "Jenna!" and turn around to see Phil coming into the dressing room, he shakes my hand and says, "I've heard alot about you, Miss MacPhee!". At this point I'm just a bit star struck and thinking holy crap, he knows my name!! There was still various people in the dressing room but they all kind of filtered out. One person said to Phil that they'd see him in Manchester and after they said that he turned to me and asked me if I would like to come to any of the other shows. I told him I would absolutely love that but I don't have any money and wouldn't be able to get the time off work.

So we sit down on the couch and ask him to sign my drawing. It's just me, him and this other mad Scot who was pretty drunk at this point. We were just chatting about the show and the mad drunk kept telling Phil he "fucking loved him". He was talking alot of crap most of the time and me and Phil were just looking at each other with a wtf expression!! Haha!! Eventually he went away and it was just me and Phil. He offered me a beer which was very nice of him but as I don't drink, I just asked if I could have one of the bottles of water instead. He told me that he saw me in the crowd down the front. He said that he saw me smiling all the time and that was what kept him going throughout the show. That just made me go all shades of red!! We talked about the show, Michelle Meldrum and the benefit show for her that they're hopefully going to be playing at and various other things. I was telling him about first time I saw the band which was at Donington 2005 and he told me that he had forgotten he had a gig that night and was sunbathing in his garden when he remembered!! Haha!! He was such a gentleman!!! He was all worried about me cos I didn't have a place to stay and was wanting to sort out a hotel for me! I said it was ok as there was a hostel just down the road that I hopefully would be staying in. He insisted I take his phone number just incase I had any problems and could ring him. We hung out for ages and he really couldn't have been nicer!!!

Lemmy was nowhere to be seen at this point so Phil phoned one of the crew members to see if he was still in the building. He was, so me, Phil and Dan (crew guy) went up to his dressing room and I got to meet him for all of about 10 seconds!! Hahah!! He signed my drawing so that was good enough for me!! After that me and Phil headed back down, said our goodbyes and he got onto the bus. Brian had waited for me so we went to the hostel and he was telling me all these awesome rock stories about bands he'd toured with etc. Went to bed about 3am and was up again at about 8am. I'm still really tired now but it was all worth it. I had such a fun night and the guys were all lovely - Phil especially!!

Please excuse the crappy photo that I look awful in!

My signed drawing

My aftershow pass

Just want to say a massive THANK YOU to Mark and Linda for doing that for me. That was such an awesome thing for you to do and I had the best night ever!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship: :worship: :worship:
It's not as good as your's, but I have a Phil story too. When Motorhead last played in Anaheim, after the show, Wanda, Linda, Mark, Chris (MaidenS crew) and I were standing around when Phil walked up to us. Mark introduced me to Phil (not for the 1st time, but he didn't seem to remember) and he told Phil I had seen The MaidenS nearly 100 times. Maybe Phil heard it wrong and/or maybe he was thinking of his own Uberfan, Klaus, who's seen Motorhead around 300 times, but when he shook my hand, Phil said to me "Poor Bastard!"
:lol: :lol: That's funny Jeff! :lol: :lol:

Jenna, I'm glad Phil took care of you. He's a great guy and always looks out for his friends. Sounds like you had a good time, I'm sure you would have had a great time anyway, we were just able to make it a little better. :) Always happy to help the good people we know like you. :rock:Cheers!
Phil's awesome! My favorite Phil Story is when Motorhead played teh Exotic Erotic ball in '99.Phil was walking around backstage in a Boustier,garter belts stcking & high heels.Lemmy was totally embarrassed by it!I heard Phil went back to the hotel dressed like that and was seen in the hotel gym riding the bicycle! Of course nothing tops the cigar story!!!
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:lol: :lol: That's funny Jeff! :lol: :lol:

Jenna, I'm glad Phil took care of you. He's a great guy and always looks out for his friends. Sounds like you had a good time, I'm sure you would have had a great time anyway, we were just able to make it a little better. :) Always happy to help the good people we know like you. :rock:Cheers!

And you have no idea how much I appreciated it!!! :notworthy Thank you again!!! :rock: