I'm here.

End of Your Days

Helpless and weary...
Mar 5, 2006
Texas. YUCK.
I was gonna re-join the other forum I used to post at, but I remembered that the Admin there was a stuck-up, arrogant, know-it-all yuppy cunt. So, I decided to join this one instead.

I'm sure I'll run into a few elitist fuckheads here, but they're on every forum. There's no escape from these parasites.

Anything else? :)
End of Your Days said:
I was gonna re-join the other forum I used to post at, but I remembered that the Admin there was a stuck-up, arrogant, know-it-all yuppy cunt. So, I decided to join this one instead.

I'm sure I'll run into a few elitist fuckheads here, but they're on every forum. There's no escape from these parasites.

Anything else? :)

I also started recently. I recognise your face as a ex-singer of XXX bande.

Introduce more, please. You look interesting. Just imagine..
