I'm moving...


Tyrant in Distress
hey, I'll be moving during the next week, so I won't be working on the site as much. I also may not have internet at home for a couple weeks after the move, so I'll have to take care of anything Librarius related during the day. Just a heads up in case anyone is wondering why I've been slow to get to stuff lately, and why I won't be doing much in the next couple weeks. After I'm settled in I'll be working on some cool new features, so keep your eyes out for some things in August.
well, you probably wouldn't care much for a party at my house since there's no smoking or drinking alcohol allowed on my property. You are more than welcome to come visit and listen to some tunes on my bitchin' system (isn't the word bitchin' great?). We tore out all the old carpet today, and we're gonna paint and have new carpet in this week. We'll move in all the big stuff next Saturday, the 27th.