I'm new here


New Metal Member
Nov 10, 2003
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Hello all. I just joined this forum today. I will be seeing Symphony X for the first time in two days at The Downtown in Farmingdale NY. I can't wait. I'm a huge Dream Theater fan and b/c of that I have been introduced to Symphony X. I only started listening to them earlier this year when I finally decided to buy "The Odyssey". Let me tell you from the first time I heard that cd I knew I was a fan for life. The cd just blew me away...Especially the title track.These guys really rip. I have since purchased all of their other cd's and have not been disappointed at all. The Odyssey and Diving Wings are easily two of my favorite songs of all time. Anyhow two days left until my wait is over and I finally get to see these guys live...I'm sure they won't disappoint!!!
Ok here's some info. I just turned 29. I got married May 3rd of this year and we actually just found out a couple of weeks ago that we will be having our first baby (due date is June 23rd).

Anyhow, I have loved music all my life. I play drums (although since getting married I live in a condo so I have been unable to play since April :waah: . I used to be into pretty much only metal until I got into DT and then they introduced me to the world of progressive metal, which is by far my favorite type of music these days. As far as Symphony X. I just immediately took a liking to these guys. I mean they have the bost of best worlds. Some songs are just pure kick ass metal. Other songs progressive. Then there are the beautiful mellower songs. I have all of their albums except for their first one (the self titled album). I have heard a few songs off that one and was not that impressed. My favorites are definitely Diving Wings of Tragedy, V, and The Odyssey. Twighlight in Olympus is pretty cool as well. Haven't listened to the Damnation Game too much yet. Love the others too much. I also love Live on the Edge Forever, just wish the sound quality was better.
Hey, welcome to the board DT2003

Congrats. on the new marriage and soon baby..:) Thats awesome!
I hope someday you can get into a place to were you can get back into playing..

Anyways just wanted to say Welcome:wave:
Thanks! Yeah I hope so too. I really miss playing. We are looking to try to find a house soon so hopefully we can luck out and find something decent and I can play my drums again and be happy.