I'm new


Nov 1, 2001
I would like to say "hey!" or something to you all, 'cause this is my first time at the board. I've been listening to CoB for quite some time, although I've only got "Something Wild" and "Follow The Reaper", the latter I've been playing a lot of today. Other bands I like are Death, Cynic, In Flames, Morbid Angel, Amon Amarth, Emperor, Judas Priest, Nevermore etc. Anyone share the same tastes? Oh yeah, I'm living in Denmark right now but soon plan to move to the place where I'm originally from, SWEDEN where the metal flows like wine. Of course, this can be discussed but there's a lot of metalheads, that'a for sure.
I don't know why, but guys who make threads just to tell "I am new" are infuriating me. Why you just can't start posting here without any stupid seremonies? None care's if you're new here. At least I don't. (Nothing personal, just had enough with your kinda people)

EDIT: Welcome here anyway. You may ignore me if you want(but others don't! :mad::heh::D:lol: ), I'm in drunk.
1. I agree with Torgoth (Nothing personal as well)
2. You are new here... And where did you get your 55 Posts from, ha?
Well, I just don't like it when new people post threads like this and then they are never seen again on this board.

Anyway: Welcome Patric!