IM ON A BOAT METAL COVER, T-pain auto-tune, dethklok vocals, epic trumpets and shit


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Okay If you guys aren't familiar with the comedian Andy Samburg and his song "Im on a Boat", this is his original version:

He also did Jizz In My Pants, which is more popular of a video.

Since Im in a joke pirate metal band we decided to record a metal cover of "Im On A Boat"

Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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hahaha awesome :p

get some high screams in at the begining and mix them in because there aint much clarity in the screams :p

fucking love it thou bud
hahaha, nice shit an, me and my housemates just started working on a cover of "we like sportz" :)
For some reason "Im on a Boat" got stuck in my mind for several days, so i was happy to hear a metal version of it. Sounds great, only thing that ruined it for me where the harsh vocals. They where too deep, i think maybe a higher pitched growl would sound better.

Still, Good job, The Autotune vocals where fun!