i'm opening for deicide tonight


Feb 25, 2007
and vital remains. if you're in the SLC area, come check it out!

Perhaps I'm basing this on an antiquated notion, but how does SLC react to a band like Deicide? Is Utah letting up a little?

Congrats on scoring a great gig, by the way!
Thankfully a lot of the clubs in the valley don't have the same mind set as Larry H FuckMiller (guy who owns pretty much all of SLC). We do get some cool shows from time to time, I think it's more of a case of it's a BITCH to drive into Utah - especially in winter - so a lot of tours skip right over us.
The drummer of Vital Remains told me that Deicide had their tour bus' tires slashed during their performance the night before in Aurora, CO. they didn't have anything like that pulled in SLC. honestly I hear more about christians and christian stuff from anti-christian people than I do from religious peoples. how's that for irony?

Vital Remains owns Deicide IMO. Way more energy and awesomeness all around. It was a bad ass show though! Next show is with Decrepit Birth on 8 March!
I was gonna be at this show, but I just back from LA and I am hanging out with my woman. Pussywhipped supremacy!!!!!

woah dude i didn't know you were on here! :kickass: cheers mang!

Thankfully a lot of the clubs in the valley don't have the same mind set as Larry H FuckMiller (guy who owns pretty much all of SLC). We do get some cool shows from time to time, I think it's more of a case of it's a BITCH to drive into Utah - especially in winter - so a lot of tours skip right over us.

i met a dude at the show who drove from boise to see the show. he mentioned that 2 semi's had jack knifed about 175 miles north of SLC, and he was driving 45 mph the whole way down. how's that for a shitty drive!!