Heart and soul of the band ... heh ...
I have nothing against Kari, and am a big fan of the songs he helped create in Amaran. But honestly, I think most people listen to Amaran because they are doing something that hasn't been before (the whole thrashy music thing with a clean, clear, bold, female vocalist). Not to say there hasn't been thrashy bands in the past with female vocalists ... Znowhite, Detente, Messiah Force ... but Znowhite and Detente featured females that didn't necessarily scream ... but they yelled at you (and Messiah Force isn't really thrashy as it is strictly 80's speed metal) ... so I haven't been able to find a band that sounds quite like this one, and I'm always looking. So basically, Amaran is wonderful, and I don't think that I'd be assuming too much when I'd say the reason people listen to Amaran is because of the contrast of Johanna's voice meeting the harsh guitars. That's what I like ... the music isn't slow, there's basically no keyboards ... what metal should be. Amaran, musically, was not doing anything new, and the sole thing that makes Amaran sound different is yes... Johanna. And as long as Johanna is in the band, and Amaran countinues to play musically harsh music, I don't think there will be too many people afraid to buy whatever else Amaran comes up with just because Kari is gone. If Chris Poland can be replaced by Marty Friedman, then out there is another guitarist just as gifted for this band. And to say that Kari leaving takes the heart and soul out of the band, that must be awfully discouraging to those that remain. He's a great guitarist ... and songs like "Coming Home" take my breath away ... but he's just that, a guitarist. You can replace any musician except the singer in a band and sound okay ... unless we're talking a protege ... (If Tom Morello had left RATM, and they tried to continue without him, or Steve Harris left Iron Maiden, and they tried to continue without him, though Maiden records from that point on wouldn't contain the signature Harris bass style). My point is, he does well on guitar, but he's not Joey Satriani or Yngwie Malmsteen or anything ... and while he may be a key songwriter as well ... come on ... there are always just as gifted and more gifted ones out there, some with their own songs that would fit this style just great ready to go.
To the rest of Amaran -- I don't know why the old drummer left, but I can understand this man's desire to leave out of the sheer frustration he claims to be having, but that doesn't mean it's time to split up. You have a great thing going musically, and you shouldn't split up only for some other band to catch on, and make it big on your signature formula. Plenty of bands, including my own, go through difficult times, but it's just part of life and part of being in a band. People will leave, it's no real big deal. I of course know that I probably don't even need to tell you this, but supportive statements to you guys seem to be rather limited on this topic. So I beg, please do not split up because you've encountered turbulence, if you can make it through, you'll only be a better, and more tightly knit band because of it. In today's lack of originality in music, you guys are GREAT standouts