I'm putting together a Charity show for Dimebag


METAL... nuff said!
And we're doing it for charity to help the families. I'll post more info when I have it all carved in stone, but here's what we came up with on Thursday morning, between a web developer/metalhead and I.

Charity Tribute for Dimebag Darrell and families
Friday February 11th, 2005
I-Rock Night Club in east Detroit
Bands paying homage to a guitar hero in their own ways

White Rhino

All profits to be donated to the families of those affected by the shootings of December 8th 2005. Come show your love and appreciation for a fallen guitar hero.

I'm suprised I'm even trying this. But as I was trading emails, my friend asked me why don't I get some bands to pay tribute to Dimebag? Well damnit, I will! So we started making calls and sending emails. He's promoting, I'm collecting bands and a venue. We've already got the source to send any donations to.

I can't really think that I'd be able to help the soldiers fighting a war far away. But I think I can help some innocent families who paid such a high price because of one insane person. The fan who jumped on stage to stop the shooter, left behind a wife and new child. And that can't go unnoticed and unspoken.

Consider this my Good Samaritan deed for the year. Maybe my lifetime.

Show up if you can, play your CD's loud as fuck if you can't. And love your fellow man, cuz you never know what can happen at any time. Life isn't fair, but you can still enjoy it and live it fully.

Hey Bryan! Awesome idea, I was really hoping that there would be a Michigan tribute show soon! Thankfully, it looks like this will be an awesome show! Can I help you set up a memorial at the show? A few pictures, some candles, a shot of whiskey, a signature/prayer board.... Interested? I'd love to help out! I don't have the resources in Grand Rapids to put together a whole show so I'd like to lend a hand where I can.

E-mail me if you're interested: tammyzepp@yahoo.com

~Tammy Z~
Shit hell damn yeah! That would be sweet!

I'm making a banner for the stage, of the Dimebag Ribbon that's been floating around the internet. So if you wanna make some kind of wall poster collage, that'd be pretty cool. We'll hang it up by the door for everyone to walk by.

I also know that the guy who made the ribbon image is making bumper stickers for free, except a $1 donation to cover his costs and to mail them back to you. I'm gonna contact him about getting, like, 100 of them sent to me, so I can sell them at this show and tell people just drop their money in the Donation Bucket.

So far, it will be Friday Feb 11th. I've got three bands and the I-Rock has a bunch of bands that said they wanted to jump aboard. The I-Rock was gonna make the ticket prices really cheap, but I'm wondering, which is better: Make the ticket prices higher, knowing that people are coming to a Charity Show to raise money, or just make the tickets cheap so everyone can easily come, and rely on the Donation Bucket? What do you think would work better?

I've got a ton more people willing to help out. And I've got the funds for Dimebag, and Nathan Bray's son Jonathan.

My buddy Koggie has already put up a website for this show:


Just starting it right now, and getting the structure put up. I'll fill it up probably early next week, once I get band logos and a Mapquest image to the I-Rock and other confirmed information.

Any more ideas are completely welcome.

Here ya go.


Spread it around.

The guy who made this, is making bumper stickers of it made. I'm getting him to send me a hundred of em, so I can sell em to people for however much they want to drop into the Donation Bucket.

I'll get home tonight and find the address to mail away to, to get your own bumper stickers made. He asks for a self-addressed-stamped-envelope, and a $1 donation per sticker, to cover his printing costs. That's all.
Hey Bryan!!!! I think the ticket prices should be cheaper and rely on a donation bucket. People are more likely to go and donate if they don't feel like thier money is just paying for a ticket (which many people might not understand that portions of the tickets will go to the benefit and not just concert costs)... However, with higher ticket prices it keeps the jerks and morons from showing up (just like at progpower) and leave the event for those who care, not those who want to ruin it. I guess, in the end, it's your call.

The memorials I am planning are coming along real nice!!! I'm going to have 2 displays. One will be a nice tabletopb memorial with some candles and possibly a signature book or tag book for people to leave messages, which will then be shipped to Dime's family. The second memorial display will be a wall-mounted, preferably free-standing, visual photo display. Do you have an art easle I can use to stand up the photo collage by the doorway???!!! I would to have that, it would be very classy and beautiful!

Oh yeah - I need pictures!!!! I want to include pictures of Dime w/fans and friends in the collage and I think it would be great to have local Detroit fans in particular. So if you or your friends have any pictures of them with Dime, I would love to have some copies for the memorial!!! I don't need the originals, but a nice copy will do! I will be shipping this to the Abbott family also, so I would really like quality photo copies, such as those made at a local photo center or Walgreens. No comuter or photocopier images! I will take a digital image as long as I can make a nice print of it at Walgreens or something. If you have any friends or family that has pictures of Dime and of Dime w/fans, please send them to me! Send me an e-mail to get my mailing address :)

I'm realyl excited about this, Bryan! I'm looking forward to show a whole lot and I'm having a great time putting together the memorials! I can't wait!

~Tammy Z~
...I hate to break your heart, but this show is getting screwed.

It seems the I-Rock just took a great idea, decided they could make a better buck without our bands, and do this themselves. So they've just announced a show for January 29th without us. They never contacted me, or told me, or offered to merge the bands into one show, so they simply snubbed us.

You know, I completely understand that the music bizz is a cutthroat, ruthless, evil place to make a living. But when someone wants to do a CHARITY show to help people, how can you screw them like this? I used to hold the I-Rock as one of the cooler places to see a show in Detroit. Now this just proves they're as rotten as the rest.

I figured I'd learn my lesson by now. I thought I'd realise that any time I try to help people who really need the help, that I always get shafted in the end. Especially after the summer of '03, I thought that I told myself to stop offering my help. To stop being too generous. To stop sticking my neck out when it was other people's fuckin problems. No. I try to do one more good deed, and I get shat upon.

Well... I'll just have to make this happen at a smaller club. My drummer's already compiled a list of all the decent-sized concert venues in the Detroit area, and we'll make this show happen. And we'll make a difference, even if people don't want me to.

So just keep working on your end, and make it even better. I'll probably have to push the date back in order to find a timeslot somewhere else, but I'll not be defeated so easily.

As for fans with Dimebag:



These are the guys from Miles Beyond. They came to Prog Power 5 and couldn't believe any of what we've known for years now. They only knew of Edguy (Good enuff by me!) and were blown away by every damn band. They're trying to get on the bill for Prog Power 6, either the actual show or the pre-party. And I know first-hand... these guys would most certainly fit in with our kind of music! Alas... time to end the shameless gratuitous plugging. Heh heh.

They were heartbroken when they heard of this, and pretty suprised I was gonna put this show together. So they'll be hanging with us for this show, but not performing. Not really heavy enough to pull off Pantera songs. But they're helping to spread the word for me up there in Flint. Which is way cool.

So... keep checking the DetroitRemembers.com page cuz we'll get everything straightened out on there, once I got confirmations of everything. Feel free to email me if you need to know any specifics.
Totally paranoid for no reason.

THE SHOW IS A GO. The january 29th was Motown Rage making up for not getting to open for Damageplan in Flint, so they wanted to do their own dedication. But Ted from the I-Rock is gonna merge them into our show. So, four bands, all whupass, all for Dimebag. The Jan 29 show will be the informal warmup, to help spread the word to come back with fat pockets and tons of generosity.

Sorry to make you worried, Tammy! ALL AHEAD FULL!!!