Suggest a charity

It's that time of year again. Just remembered that I haven't donated much in the last year, so am looking to do so now. Just gave some dosh to Amnesty, and am scouring this thread for ideas.
Well since I work for a cancer charity, I would obviously suggest you donate to a cancer charity :D However, I think it's best to donate to something which has touched your life somehow *shrug* Bev regularly donates to the Dogs Trust (since we're both dog lovers) and a donkey sanctuary (hey, they're donkeys! Awesome!), and I've raised money for Everyman (male cancer charity here in the UK; also part of the charity I work for).

Whatever you donate to, good on ya! :)

:D :Saint:
Seriously though, I donate to the salvos.

It's all well and good to donate to people overseas who need it. Me, I'd rather help the people I have to step over on cold winter mornings.
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Can't agree enough. It pisses me off to no end when I see cunts sending a bunch of money overseas when they're often the same people who'll casually stroll past the poor and homeless around their own homes each day in blissful ignorance, convinced that they somehow bring it on themselves more than people overseas or that they mustn't be trying hard enough to be destitute in a 'lucky' country like ours.

If you regularly send money to some foreign aid charity and have never at least given to the local Salvos or Red Cross, fuck you.
On a similar topic, can anyone find figures on how much Australia donated to the tsunami appeal vs bush fire appeal - in terms of government, corporate and personal donations?
I dunno if I've given overseas or not to a registered charity, but I'd like to. I've seen poverty way worse over yonder than I have here, not that being homeless in a freezing winter would be in any way fun or easy.
I gave $100 to the Red Cross for the tsunami. I sponsor two kids in Indonesia through Plan. I didn't donate any money to the bushfire thing.

I'm fine with this.
I gave the same to the tsunami as the fires...then someone convinced my employer to match all fire donations dollar for dollar.

At Christmas, my parents ask whet I wnat, and I tell them "nothing"...really, if I needed it or really wanted it, I'd have it. Every year, they struggle.

Last Christmas, they bought a couple of goats for a family in Africa, and sent me the card from the organisation.

Best Christmas present ever.
That's what we're going to do at the family Christmas party this year. Every year we have a Kris Kringle, so people end up with a $20 piece of something they don't really need or want. This year we're buying a bridge or a water pump or something like that.