Niyaz - really cool, I'm always looking for good folk music, plus the electronic elements are tastefully done. Much better than the typical Arabic dance music I hear from upstairs.
Discidium - definitely an impressive output for a new band. I'll have to keep my eye on them, they sound like they'll only get better. I really liked the bass on that last track.
My Chemical Romance - hold on, let me put my girl pants on first. Actually I had never really heard them before so I did go an listen to them. My god, I couldn't have possibly imagined the reality.
Arsis - I've got A Celebration of Guilt, how do their newer CDs compare?
Communic - Hell yeah. They're really goddamn awesome, I love progressive thrash.
Myrkgrav - it's cool. He's got some really good catchy folky melodies and good vocals, but it doesn't get too cheesy/epic/etc. Veldig bra.
Dead Old Tree - interesting mix. The beginning of the song I listened to was really listenable and almost commerical, so I wasn't expecting the metal when it came. Not bad though, I'll have to give it another listen.
King Crimson - uh, yeah...
Wow. Look in the sticked thread
I'm aware I'm being naïve, but I was actually hoping to have a discussion about music. If I had wanted a list I have plenty of other sites to go to.
Thanks for the suggestions so far people, if you got any more keep them coming.