Suggest me a band.

I do have this version:

Seventh Wonder. Prog metal meets AOR
Scott Mosher. Prog metal meets new age
Sacrifice, one of my favorite thrash bands.
Helstar. Check out Winds Of War. Unbelievable song
Running Wild (I don't know why there's a WASP song on this list, but the others are RW songs). Old school heavy/speed/power metal.
Liege Lord. Old-school speed/power metal
Conception. Prog band, with Roy Khan. Very little power metal influence in their sound
Mind's Eye. Prog rock band. Their new album is in a much heavier, more metal direction than their previous material.
Actually I figured this guy was an old fellow and might not have seen it. Plus I wanted an old fellows opinion on it. I have no idea what made me think that.

Edit-I just checked, I don't know what the hell made me think he was old I was high.