Im running for President.

THis is starting to sound a lot like the second season of Frisky Dingo.

(At the debate between the two candidates)

Xander Cruse: "Wait....I'm not even 35 years old yet!"
Killface: "And as for ME....I'm not even an American citizen!"

No, actually, Patrick would be running FROM a What-A-Burger, since it could land on him and break his back or something.
After all, in his words, "this burger is as big as my HEAD!" :lol:

There are politicians that have been known to say even less intelligent things, so I don't expect this to be used against me while I'm campaigning around.
BTW......they have TWO locations in Brunswick, GA and one in Thomasville!

I have friends in Brunswick!

Alternatively, they have several locations in Alabama including one in Birmingham.
Take the Amtrak Crescent over to B'Ham in the morning...we'd get a few hours to walk around and eat at Whataburger, and then take the northbound Crescent back! :heh:
I gotta say, the What-a-Burger Patty Melt was intense. Quite delicious. Totally changed my view of the place. Now I just need a head-sized burger!

Well, if anyone made a head-sized burger for you, it'd probably be Whataburger. :lol:

Hmmmmmmmm, okAYYY.
That 2/3 lb. burger at Hardees might do the trick, too. It's the kind of heart-attack-on-a-roll you have to prepare for, well in advance. :heh:
Pellaz, would that be the Monster Burger? Because that thing is DELICIOUS. I haven't had one since high school though, since I'm pretty sure if I ate one now I'd gain 10lbs. :lol:

From Hardees? Not sure.
I think the 2/3 pounder is part of their tongue-in-cheek "Six Dollar Burger" menu, which targets restaurant-bars' burgers....but Hardees' burgers are significantly less than $6.00. :)
Since we're discussing burgers, has anyone tried the Shroom and Swiss burger from BK? It looks delicious, but I'm too broke at the moment to afford it. =(
I wasn't too thrilled with their up-priced Angus burger a while back, so while I eyed the shroom and swiss tonight, I opted instead for a chicken sandwich.

Ooops, we're off-topic!

Patrick for President! If you're tired of choosing the lesser of two weevils! :)