Im so important...


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
Well , it seems that I have pissed off another canadian. Ol` Vinny Crapichino just had to post some thing in his "blog" about little ol` me.

vince crapichino said:
Damn Mericans - Freedon of Stupidity

What can I say, well, I went to yoga, that was fun, full class, really full! next week is my 4th week, that's fun, after 6 classes I get to join Yoga flow. That will be fun..... I think, I'm keepin my mind open about that... Oh like I was saying, Mericans, well, they are so fucking blind, They are still blaming Iraq for the bombings of the world trade centre, now, I know this is wrong, and it makes me fire up everytime that I hear an american say that. Don't they see that Patriotism is Propoganda, their poor excuse for a government is leading them towards disaster, and some of them are happy to take this path. Why am I passionate about this,,,, well,,, Im Canadian right, and I don't want to be lumped in with the Fuckin Americans, My Ideologies are completely different, but it is better to be Kind than Right, says the Dali Lama, and I believe that to be true, that's why I will no longer post on the Billy Milano Site, that is the only reason. well, I gotta go get Nadine now, so here is a Little Quote from an American Asshole Known as Hawng, what ever that is!

Just like a fuckin canadian, call someone and asshole for their thoughts and beliefs. This canadian would rather suck the skin off a camels cock than say something offencive about terrorists out of fear. thats right fear. You dont want to be lumped in with the fucking americans? Dont worry about that dude, Americans arent known for being pussies, so nobody will call you an american.

Hawng aka OSHB
American, (not a pussy canadian)

Sorry dude, sucks when one fucker fucks everything else for others huh? Especially when one canadian calls ALL a"mericans" assholes .
DeMysteriisDomCanuckus said:
Uh, dude. *points to self* Another Canadian here.

We are individuals here. Do not include ALL Canadians in this.

You have always been cool dude, Im not fucking with you.
Awe, where is me Beautiful Picture??? Dang, well, I just wanted to say that I didn't say "All" Americans, I know there is good people down there, I just have yet to Meet one! haha, I am important, but no more Important than anyone else, thanks! Peace and Love!

Vinnie Crappuccino.... If yer Goona make fun, get the Spelling correct! :D
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
Awe, where is me Beautiful Picture??? Dang, well, I just wanted to say that I didn't say "All" Americans, I know there is good people down there, I just have yet to Meet one! haha, I am important, but no more Important than anyone else, thanks! Peace and Love!

Vinnie Crappuccino.... If yer Goona make fun, get the Spelling correct! :D
Well, I took the pic down because I tought you were done with this place, or was that canadian for "Im an idiot"?
You want your pic back up no problem "dude"...

Vinnie Cappuccino said:
haha, That's great, how did you get that pic? I thought that was in my private collection! :D I'm done fer now, thanks!
Hey, no problem, anytime my flap-headed freind. oh and the pic.... it was. Predaking gave it to me ...cause I told him to.