I'm starting a shit thread just because I can

I cerrtainly do not think that homosexuality is a bad thing since I am bisexual myself, but I meant that if Alexi wants to stay in the closet (which pretty much seems like it because he denied being in a relationship with Janne and pretends he has a gf), finding ''evidence'' that he really is gay puts him out of the closet, so if he wants to pretend he's straight, it won't work anymore, and because of that, he might take it as an offense. Of course Alexi doesnt read this board nor is interested in the shit I write so he won't feel offended, but I'm just saying, if he were to read it, he probably wouldn't like it.

This was actually the thread name... hardly any mod comes here anymore :p

Pretty fun when Turbo ditched the shitty threads from Battleheart here though.