I'm still here!


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Still getting used to this place - and I have to fight to the death for computer access so I'm not online as much as when I was home.

Apart from which I have been far too engrossed with Big Brother to be playing about on the internet - there has been some serious TV watching going on here!! YAY Benny!! :D

Getting a little frustrated with the job hunting though. Not having much luck .:( Poms don't seem to be wanted . . . *sniff* . . . :cry:
Glad to see you're still here, Bev, but why would a woman of your undoubted taste and finesse waste her time watching Big Brother?

Down with so-called reality TV! I for one am very pleased with the long overdue return of Seinfeld :).

Originally posted by Wrathchild
Glad to see you're still here, Bev, but why would a woman of your undoubted taste and finesse waste her time watching Big Brother?

Down with so-called reality TV! I for one am very pleased with the long overdue return of Seinfeld :).


Bah - if there's one thing that annoys me, it's people who are non-conformist just for the sake of it! :)

I used to be like that, but I found life to be much more fun (and less stressful) if I didn't deviate from the norm.
Originally posted by Wrathchild
a woman of your undoubted taste and finesse

Have we met yet? Its just, you seem to know me so well. :D

Crossy - I know what you mean. Even the crappiest jobs want experience, give me a break. My hands are tied by the fact they require to see my visa before I start work, and that shows them in black and white tha Im not eligible to work for one employer for more than 3 months at a time. :(

Hey Moony!!! How are ya? :)
Originally posted by Moon Child
Hey Dreamy! Did you knock Spiff off to use his computer or something? ;)

Yes she did, but rest assured that I asserted myself (after watching TV for a while) and I have reclaimed my throne. KNEEL before Zod!

OK, no idea where that Superman II reference came from :)
In the wise words of Neil Peart, Spiff, "everybody got to elevate from the norm."

I like being non-conformist, it saves me a fortune and it suits my self-cast role of l'etranger. I've lost count of the number of conversations I've been involved in that have started off with "Oh my god, I can't believe you don't (insert mindless socially acceptable pastime here)".

Just out of curiosity, did you watch BB because you genuinely enjoyed it, or because of the non-stop advertising Channel 10 lavished upon it? Either way, you've redeemed yourself by quoting Superman II. There's hope for you yet :).

Just a touch Wrath ;)

But in all honesty I am non-conformist in a lot of ways, not because I want to be, or because I'm making a statement, it's just the way I am. (Please note: I'm not suggesting that other non-conformists are non-conforming just because it's cool).

I didn't watch Big Brother because it was shit, not because I was making a statement about the marketing.
Originally posted by Wrathchild
In the wise words of Neil Peart, Spiff, "everybody got to elevate from the norm."

I'm sure it's "Deviate from the norm," actually - which song is that from? I can't remember off the top of my head - I thought it was from Limelight, but just had a wee look at the lyrics and couldn't see it anywhere. I'm sure I'll work it out soon enough :)

Also posted by Wrathchild
Just out of curiosity, did you watch BB because you genuinely enjoyed it, or because of the non-stop advertising Channel 10 lavished upon it? Either way, you've redeemed yourself by quoting Superman II. There's hope for you yet :).

I wasn't too impressed with the first episode of BB as it was mainly because it was the one where they introduced everyone person-by-person and was rather boring. I ended up watching it the night to see what an actual episode was like and ended up getting hooked. I missed most of the non-stop advertising because I don't watch much free-to-air TV at all apart from The Panel and the footy.

Superman II is a brilliant movie, and I think the big fight between Superman and the three baddies is one of the greatest scenes of all time.

Just remembered where the line was from - "Vital Signs"! And Geddy sings both "elevate" and "deviate", so we're both right :)
Well, I watched BB basically because I was new to the household and didnt have any say in what was on TV. ;) But, like the others, I became hooked. :( I was also interested to see if it was anything like the UK one last year. To be fair, I didnt really watch that, but I remember there being a right couple of shits in it and wanted to see what this mob were like. I'd have to say your mob were generally more likeable (with about 10 exceptions :p), but the good ones made up for the bad. :)

Am I non-conformist? Erm . . . I'm an antisocial, miserable bitch who enjoys slagging off people I've never met (that includes all the annoying people who have the audacity to leave their homes at the same time I do, thus causing them to get under my feet when I'm walking down the Queen Street Mall!!!!:mad: ), and I like to fuck with tradition on occasion. But I'm not sure if that makes me non-conformist or not. :confused: :D