I'm using the ZED R16 for the first time and need some help...


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi everyone

I'm quite new in the production realm and I've always worked itb. I recently bought an used ZED R16 and it changes quite a lot my way of working and, more, my way of thinking things as I've only knew very very simple routing so far. I read the manual, tried different things... but it's not very helpful. Now, I'm trying to reamp some guitar tracks but I'm totally lost tbh. Dont know how to route in PT10 and how to feed my reamp box. I know this sounds quite noob but... I'm a noob! Would be great to get some help on this.

Thanks. It works fine! Just to be sure I don't do anything wrong, here is what I did: let's say DI track Pro Tools out 15 > R16 channel 15 /DIG SND POST EQ on and Aux 1 at max > Aux 1 out > reamp box In. Then record on another track. But damn, the pres and the EQ are great! EQing the signal at the source is also amazing :) Cant' wait to track drums!!

Edit - I tried to set up the MIDI controls following the manual but nothing worked. According to what I've seen on the web, it seems to be not that functional. Many people failed at that and got diverse issues then. Not that I absolutely have to control PT with the R16 although it could be a cool feature. Asked the support but any clear answer... Did someone succeed on OSX with PT10?
Not had any success getting the midi to work with mine, youve got the reamping right though, send it out to a channel on the desk then send down an aux (I use a pre-fade aux and line it and the master to the 0dB marker to not drive the bus too hard)