iMac vs PC

right.. and that'll be the same interface Windows has been copying for... oh, i don't... since it was CREATED???

jesus titty-fuckin' christ, what the hell is so fisherprice about an interface with which you can do abso-fucking-lutely everything which you can do in literally every other OS(and which started life as THE FIRST GUI on the planet, from which all others followed and borrowed/stole heavily)?? after that it's down to wallpaper and the appearance of icons.. wallpaper is personal and icons can be changed as well.. but having said that, stock XP icons look more "fisher price" than anything i've ever seen short of the stock linux icons (c'mon, that happy little penguin is straight outta some children's book).

The whole post was pretty sarcastic, and I do prefer OS X to the Windows interfaces... but the big bouncing expanding icons and the shiny things everywhere and the spinny colored wheel make me want to stab things. Windows is asscake with shitcream filling, but the only thing I really dislike about Macs is the interface - it's probably that I'm just allergic to icons, eye candy, colors, and happiness.

hat the hell Jeff, you just want an interface where you have to know advanced Boolean Algebra to operate it... c'mon, admit it! :lol: ;)

Yeah, you've caught me...

Now that I see a good iMac with Logic Pro 8 is like $1900, I now withdraw any personal expression of interest I have in them :)
Everyone is subdued after the last epic thread on Mac vs PC...

Buy what you are used to and what your budget caters for, it should be a pretty obvious choice.

Mac is great because of the awesome OS and it's really stable. PC is great because of the unlimited amounts of tools you can get for free or next to nothing. Mac you'll have to pay a decent amount of cash for good plugins. Both are great platforms it's just whatever you are used to. I am a graphic designer so I use Macs all day and just have grown accustom to the OS. I have Logic and a Duet. Simple, sweet and a fraction of the problems I had running Pro Tools. Go with whatever you are used to and are comfortable with.
What the fuck is with awkward things happening to vaginas in this forum? We have sandy vaginas, Notuern is apparently a 'bloody vaginal belch'... we wonder why we have so few (admitted) women on the board...

Jeff - ever run the Terminal in OS X? I love it, customizable terminal right out of the box, any colors/fonts/transparency, etc. you want, and most important of all you can use all your favorite open source software from Linux and BSD natively. You can customize the Mac OS X UI to an extent and make it more trimmed down also. It's the best OS by far, I really feel alienated by Windows and its lack of a proper command line. The weird quasi-MS-DOS command line in Windows is fucking USELESS!!!
I have, and it's why I like OS X more than Windows. I love my command lines... honestly, that's all I need - a window manager exists solely to keep track of the 18,000 instances of RXVT that I'll be running at a given point in time.

the only downside i see now one and a half years after the switch
to logic 8 and imac is the lack of expandability. no uad cards.
but oh well, i love osx and logic just works. people say my workflow
improved alot. and friends convert after sessions here lol. nuff said.
no regrets at all.

i dont think the uad cards are all that special! have you tried the liquid mix? i use one with an imac and logic 8, works awesome!
no abyss, i dare say my last two posts are also immutable truths also.... this thread, and all like it, must die.