Image widening during mixing (inkl. samples), please help

Yeah, I thought about that as well. I always *at least* put a limiter, about -3dB threshold and -0.1dB output on the master bus before I do anything else. Most of the time also a compressor with ~3:1 ratio/~20ms attack/~160ms rel/~-7dB thresh before the limiter just so I can start getting that "glued" effect from the start.

Maybe I'll try it out on my next project...


My mixbus inserts look like this:

1) Sonalksis Free G (Fader)
2) Colortone Pro (on an SSL Hot setting)
3) Waves SSL G-Comp: 4:1 / slowest attack / auto or medium release
4) URS Console Strip Pro on the Tape 30ips setting
5) Sonnox Inflator
6) Sonnox Limiter
7) brainworx solo (mono maker - for checking in mono).

I only use Inflator and Limiter for hot rough mixes, otherwise they are set to 0 and the limiter will just catch peaks, although I hit the mix bus at very low levels usually.