Imaginaerum by Nightwish - the movie (watch the trailer)

Whereas Geoff Tate's wine is just his own tears.


Back to the movie - I will see this movie when it becomes available. I enjoy artsy movies - especially when there is a link to music I like. I also do not expect Lord of the Rings level special effects and acting from low budget movies.

Anyone here see 'Dark Floors'? It is the 'Lordi' movie. The band had a small part in the movie. The effects were low budget, the acting was OK, blah blah blah. For an art film with a metal band tie - it was enjoyable enough. I enjoyed it for what it was - and have even watched it more than once.

I expect Imaginaerum will be a similar type experience.
Talking about movies, from another thread:

And now...

Is that credibility/validity running down the drain I see? Oh, how it goes...

I think you are forgetting something that most non-movie people dont get. Blade 2 did something that no one expected. It was good. It had original visuals. It took a comic book character that was unsellable for decades and made a very popular movie. It had a good story, moved along well, had great action. Not many superhero movies at this time were able to pull this off. For Del Toro...just telling a decent story is something he should be rewarded with.

Pan's Labrynth was a waste of time. Like looked nice but had zero substance to it. It was all hype.
Pan's Labrynth was a waste of time. Like looked nice but had zero substance to it. It was all hype.



As a half-Catalan, who's mom lived through (and immigrated due to) the Franco regime, that movie meant a lot to me. I watched it in the original language with my parents. The brutality and the story hit me right in the feels.
I think you are forgetting something that most non-movie people dont get. Blade 2 did something that no one expected. It was good. It had original visuals. It took a comic book character that was unsellable for decades and made a very popular movie. It had a good story, moved along well, had great action. Not many superhero movies at this time were able to pull this off. For Del Toro...just telling a decent story is something he should be rewarded with.

Pan's Labrynth was a waste of time. Like looked nice but had zero substance to it. It was all hype.

Fine. I'll give you that if you want to pull the Blade 2 was different, unexpected card. Fair enough.

I could, however, say the same thing about Pan's Labyrinth. To me it was a great movie. It had substance, it had an interesting plot (to me at least), it had stunning visuals, an eerie/sinister vibe to it... I enjoyed it quite a lot. But then again, it comes down to personal taste.

Pan's Labyrinth is much better than Imaginarium. No doubts about that, and I say that without even watching Imaginarium...
I think that was my issue. There wasnt enough power or emotion in it. The only real highlight for me was too see Álex Angulo in a movie in the US that was getting good press and distrobution. Very underrated actor.
Pan's Labrynth though was just a movie that critics hyped and people who really havent seem many films from other countries rallied behind because of
its visuals ( which are nice, but look like EVERYONE of his movies) and the basic premiss of the story. There are so many other better movies out there
that people would not give the time of day to. Kind of like music....the averager person is going to go for what they are told is good.

Imaginarium like I said has lots going for it and a heck of a lot more going against it. Die hard fans of Nightwish will be all over it. Even if it is a turd they will all still find some reason to love it or force themselves to love it. The casual fan who may buy an import DVD of it will watch it once. I think they would have almost been better of making more of a visual artsy piece with it instead of the straight forward story they did. I think people would then want to see it more than once to interpet different things from it. Make it like watching a painting. Make it timeless. Not something dated like they did. Done right it could have been something talked about outside the metal world.


they should have done something like Fantasia the Disney film with this movie.